Welcome to Reception

We have been busy preparing the classroom for a new year and can’t wait to welcome the children on Wednesday. Our focus will be classroom routines, getting to know each other and having lots of fun! We expect a lot of tired children (and grown ups) by the end of the week.

We look forward to hearing all about our new class when we meet with parents on Monday or Tuesday. Please refer to the pack you received at induction night for meeting times and whether your child is attending the morning or afternoon sessions.

A fruit or vegetable snack will be provided by school, you will need to send a full water bottle with your child each day. Please ensure all uniform and bottles are clearly labelled.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

We are so excited to share this journey with each of you.

The Reception Team