Welcome to Year 1

Dear Year 1, 

Welcome back, I hope you have had a lovely summer holiday.  Miss Liddell and I are very excited to meet you all again and we have a busy half term planned for the children. Next week we will focus on settling in and learning about each other. Our induction evening will be on Wednesday 14th September at 6pm. We are looking forward to welcoming you into our classroom. 

Here are a few important reminders: 

Our PE days are on Mondays (outside) and Fridays (inside) we will start our PE sessions on Friday 9th September. Please come into school in PE kits on PE days. If your child wears earrings, please remove them before they come to school on these days.  

To ensure everything comes home, please label everything that comes into school. All items of uniform, coats, PE kit, lunchboxes, water bottles, wellies etc. 

Please send your child in with a bag with spare underwear, socks, tights, trousers, skirt/pinafore etc. in a named plastic bag just in case of any accidents. They will be kept on your child’s peg.  


Art sessions will be every Friday, please can you bring in an old oversized T-shirt to keep in school. 


Finally if you have any spare underwear, socks etc. we would be grateful if you could donate them for our class.  

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.  


Here’s to a super year ahead!  


Miss Drummond 😊