Year 2 Weekly Blog 7.10.22 - "The truth is that teamwork is at the heart of great achievement"

It was lovely to welcome you all to our class assembly on Tuesday morning, and my, weren’t the children amazing! It was the first time they had performed to such a big audience and I’m sure you’ll agree, they spoke with such confidence and expression. The whole of Year 2 are trying really hard to be superb role models and to think about their words and actions where ever they are.

In English this week, we have continued to use non-fiction books to carry out research. The children have been busy collecting facts all about wolves, before they then used these on Friday to create their own information posters about the magnificent creatures. Throughout this learning I have seen just what ‘Curious Clara Clownfish’ the children are; they are always asking questions and want to find out more!

During Indoor PE, the children were busy combining different travels and balances to create their own sequences. They really thought carefully about their movements and are looking forward to performing these on the equipment next week.

In our RE sessions, we have been thinking about what a happy school looks like and how our actions and words can help to create a wonderful environment in which we can learn and grow. It was wonderful to hear what the children think visitors to our school see when they walk through the door and they loved sharing those loving and compassionate moments that they see every day.

Also, this week, we started our Kidsafe programme  - A series of lessons which teach children about keeping themselves safe
This week, we focused on trust and completed a trust building exercise. We also thought about the Feelings we get when we are feeling sad, scared and/or worried and how we more listen to what our body is telling us. Please read the letter below, explaining this approach and the first lesson in more detail.

Let’s Celebrate

What a week you’ve had Jackson!  You have managed your distractions amazingly and have stayed focused and on task in every lesson.  The work you are completing is just getting better and better; I couldn’t quite believe how many wolf facts you managed to find in our English lesson.  Keep this up Jackson – it has been wonderful to have such a Cooper Crab in our classroom!

Scarlett, I was so proud of you during our class assembly this week!  You practised so hard and knew exactly what to do and what to say.  The speedy acting of the class threw you a little, but you were such a Brave Tommy Turtle and kept going.  Then the second performance, my goodness, you blew all of our socks off!  Well done Scarlett – this shows such courage! 


Please check the home learning section for this week’s homework.

With Harvest time fast approaching, we are looking forward to celebrating as a whole school community once again for the first time since the pandemic. As in previous years, as a school, we will be collecting food items for local food banks. Year 2 are collecting tinned tomatoes, so please donate if you can, before Friday 14th October. We will be collecting these in class around our worship area. Thank you for all of the donations we have had so far!

Please let us know if you wish for your child to receive the NHS flu vaccination in school or not. This form can be found on the Year 2 page.

School Photographs - School photographs will take place on Wednesday 12th October. Children should wear their normal school uniform on this day and not their PE kits.

Parents’ Day on Friday 21st October. Have you booked your meeting?

Have a great weekend!
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the year 2 team.