‘Carry out a random act of kindness with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you’. - Princess Diana

I feel that it is only right to begin this weeks’ blog with a HUGE well done to the whole of Reception!
You continue to amaze us with your positive attitudes and determination and your love and care towards one another. Each morning you arrive to school with big smiles and bundles of enthusiasm ready for another day of learning. You have remembered all of our routines and have been fantastic role models for our school.
Your teachers are incredibly proud; I know your grown ups will be too!

(Please be sure to read the notices section at the bottom of the blog as there are some changes to PE days and important information for next week).

What have we been learning this week…

This week we have been thinking about Gods’ love. When asked how do we know that God loves us, the children shared some beautiful examples such as “because we are all different and special”, “because the world is so beautiful” and “because he has given me a family that love me”. Then we thought about how big Gods’ love is and we went on a hunt to find big things. We found big tables, a big shed, we thought about how huge the sky is and we were amazed to find out that Gods’ love is bigger than all of these enormous things!

This week we have introduced 4 new sounds: m, a, s, d and t. We have focused on making the correct sound, identifying words that begin with the sound and writing the letter. We used fun rhymes to help us learn the correct letter formation and thought of so many words we decided to make a book! Next week we will introduce word books which will include these sounds; I’m sure the children will enjoy sharing these with you at home.
(Please check reading packets for a link to videos which will support with phonics at home).

Maths Mastery: We had a special visitor this week… Max the monkey! Max loves math but he needed our help because when he was counting he kept getting all muddle up; luckily Reception were ready to help! They had some top tips for Max to help with his counting… They suggested that Max should “moooove” the objects so he only counts each object once. When the objects were too big for Max to move they told him to use a special counting stick. They showed him how to point to and touch each object to make sure he only said one number word for each item.


Focused Cooper Crab: Daisy
Daisy, your positive attitude and enthusiasm is inspiring. During all of our activities you are a focused cooper crab and you recognise how important it is and how it will help you to grow your brain . It is wonderful to see how much you are enjoying our learning in Reception.
Keep up this fantastic focus and enthusiasm!
Well done Daisy!

Determined Sadie Spider: Ben
Ben, we have been so impressed by your determination this week. You have been a real Sadie Spider during our phonics sessions; especially with your letter formation. You didn’t give up and it was wonderful to see how proud you were as your letter formation got better each time you practised.
Well done Ben!

Important Notices:

  • School Photographs - These will take place on Wednesday 12th October. Children should wear their regular school uniform (not their PE clothes).

  • Change of PE day - due to a slight change of our timetable, Reception will now have PE on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

  • With Harvest time fast approaching, we are looking forward to celebrating as a whole school community once again for the first time since the pandemic. As in previous years, as a school, we will be collecting food items for local food banks. Reception are collecting pasta sauce, so please donate if you can, before Friday 14th October. Thank you very much for the generous donations that we have already received.

As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Have a wonderful weekend!
God bless,

The Reception Team