This week...

After a sombre start to the week we have slowly managed to get back into our routine. The weather has been a bit hit and miss and on Thursday we realised that we haven’t seen ‘real’ rain at nursery for such a long time! The children kept saying “it’s raining!”.

We are slowly working our way through our monthly plans but keep getting side tracked by things that keep happening in nursery. For example, on Friday during worship we had been talking about Gods creation of our wonderful earth when all of a sudden we remembered it is going to be Harvest in a couple of weeks. This led to a conversation about if God hadn’t made the sun, rain, land…how could be grow food for the farmers to harvest and for us to eat.

Seizing the moment we went into the garden to harvest the potatoes we had grown. The children dug them up and then washed them. We have sent a potato home for you to cook for tea!!!

Have a look at these fabulous photos!

Next week we will talk more about the seasons and harvest. The children are wanting to make bread!!!! Watch this space, Paul Hollywood better watch out!

Colette’s Blog

Hello everyone! Just because it has been a shorter week doesn’t mean that we haven’t done as much!

As always, there have been lots and lots of storytelling, some by the Nursery ladies and some by the children. They all seem to have such hungry appetites for books….they just love stories!!! The children have been so inspired by the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ that they decided to make their own brick houses in the garden. Even the ‘Big Bad Wolf’ appeared to try and blow it down!!! Click here to watch. We are continuing to enjoy ‘Little Rabbit Foo Foo’ (making his bad choices!) and also ‘Lima’s Red Hot Chilli’!

The fine weather earlier in the week allowed us to spend lots of time in the garden and we made some wonderful finds. There were lots and lots of conkers…I think we counted 23 at one point! The cases were really spikey as well! We also discovered quite a few ladybirds….even some baby ones too. Some of us were lucky enough to go on a little walk through the ‘Environmental Garden’ behind the school field. It was so lovely and we even found a bench for a sneaky little sit down!!

Inside nursery there have been lots of water and sand play, puzzles, large construction (don’t worry…we did wear our builder’s hats) and we made some wonderful flower gardens.

I told you we had been very busy! We had better have a good rest this weekend.

Kind regards


Michelle’s Blog

What a fantastic busy week we have had this week.

We have continued learning about how God created us all to be individual and unique. We have explored our similarities and differences and discovered all about our families. Click here for Along Came a Different

Hopefully you will have received your log in details for Purple Mash and will have seen the activity for your child’s self portrait.

We then explored houses and homes in different stories, going with Goldilocks for a walk in the woods and hiding from the Big Bad Wolf in our houses we had built in the garden. Click here for another lovely version you can share.

We have explored further afield this week, gong on an adventure to the Environmental Garden, where we discovered a rainbow bench. We took the wibbly wobbly path around the school field and visited the chapel before we discovered some stars and a boat.

Thank you to everyone who has sent in snack in your child’s blue bag, this really does help them to be more independent at snack time and is a good practise for school. Please remember that snack should be a piece of fruit or veg, please, and grapes should be sliced lengthways for safety. Click here

Please keep a look out for a letter in your child’s blue bag with a template for a leaf for our Wishing Tree display. Please write your wishes for your child’s time at nursery and we will display them on our Wishing Tree- hopefully we can make your wishes come true.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and see you all next week!


Stephanie’s Blog

Hello everyone! We have had another lovely week in Nursery. Our friendships have continued to grow and I have seen some very happy faces this week!

We have continued to look at Number 1 this week – we are great at choosing 1 object to add or take from a group and a favourite activity this week has been working together to build a tower. We all added 1 block each to see how tall we could make it. We also checked if it was smaller or taller than us! Some children wanted to add a second block to make it even higher which will lead us into looking at Number 2 next week.

We worked hard this week to practise our listening skills. These skills can help with learning new things and with developing friendships and engaging with the world. We have been listening to what we can hear in the garden and inside – we’ve worked hard to work out which sounds are which when it is very noisy. We’ve enjoyed playing a game with the instruments – I showed the children 5 instruments and played them so they knew what they sounded like. I then covered them and played one to see if they could work out which one it was. You could play this at home with things you have around the house – make it tricky if they find it too easy!

We have been ‘Have a go Tommy Turtle’ again this week – we have worked hard on challenges in the garden. Some of us have tried hard with the stilts and kept going until we could do it. We also found a broom and worked together to ride it – it was tricky to get more than one friend on at a time but we managed it!

We have been developing our body awareness. We named different parts of our body and looked at ways we are the same and ways we are different. We have made different faces on the big screen, making them look different each time. ‘Simon Says’ was a bit tricky but lots of fun! We spoke about who lives in our house and drew pictures of our family. The children really enjoyed telling us about who is special to them. You could draw pictures at home and ask your child to tell you about the new friends and nursery ladies they have met in school.

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you on Monday!


Fundamental Movement Skills

Fundamental movement skills are a specific set of skills that involve different body parts such as feet, legs, trunk, head, arms and hands. These skills are the “building blocks” for more complex and specialised skills that children will need throughout their lives to competently participate in different games, sports and recreational activities.

This months challenge is for the children to practise balancing on one leg  and then the other for five seconds without wobbling or putting the other foot down! Good luck ‘have a go’ Tommy Turtles

 Children’s Dental Health

Information For Parents


• Brush children’s teeth twice a day with a small headed toothbrush with medium-textured bristles and a family fluoride toothpaste.

• Brush last thing at night, just before bedtime and only have water to drink afterwards.

• Brush one other time of day

• Children younger than 3 years old should only have a small smear of toothpaste on their brush.

• Children aged 3 years and older should use a pea sized amount of toothpaste on their brush.

• You should encourage your child to spit out the toothpaste and not to rinse afterwards.

 St. Annes Library

The library is holding a Fun Palace at St. Annes Library on Saturday 1st October, 10am to 4pm. Click on the button below to find out more.

I feel it’s a rather long blog this week, sorry. It’s just we have so much that we like to share with you all. Don’t forget to check Purple Mash and here’s a little game for you to play at home! Click here and happy counting!

Have the most wonderful weekend and we will see you on Monday for an even busier week at nursery!

God Bless
