Year 3 Blog 23.9.22 "Unity is strength... When there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved." - Mother Teresa

Our week began on Tuesday this week, it was lovely to speak to the children and share how they marked the Her Majesty’s funeral service at home the day before. Thank you for completing this weeks homework, the children enjoyed sharing this together, comparing what they all did and completing some fabulous quizzes! We really enjoyed sharing these on Thursday in class.

This week in maths we have been representing adding together three addends using tens frames, part'-whole models and on a number line. This variety of visual representations has really helped to deepen this understanding. Once again, we have been really impressed with their speedy number facts that we can tell they have worked so hard on during their time in the infants. This is now a superpower of ours when it comes to our addition and is helping the children to solve sums with confidence.

During our English, we have continued to look at fables and there hidden teachings. We have focused on the punctuation and how this helps us as readers. We have then been working in pairs to perform a part of a fable using intonation by looking at the punctuation used. We have also spent time looking at nouns and how we can add adjectives before a noun to make our sentences more interesting and descriptive for the reader. Well done Year 3!

It was so lovely to see many of you on Wednesday evening as we discussed the year ahead. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy evenings. We know many of you have lots of things to juggle to make you able to attend and we want you to know how grateful we are. Also thank you to those of you who couldn’t make it but emailed asking for any information to be sent to you, I hope you found the document useful.

Let’s Celebrate:

Jacob for being a curious Clara clownfish: We have been really impressed with your wonderful curiosity this week! During our Prayer and Liturgy in the chapel you asked such deep questions, showing just how carefully you focused on the readings. Keep going Jacob, your confidence is growing and you are working hard. We are very impressed!

Finley for being a focused Cooper crab: You have worked so hard this week and have shown such wonderful determination during each and every lesson. We could not ask anymore of you! Not only this but you have made a fabulous learning partner. You help those around you in such a calm and gentle way. I know your peers really like this quality in you too, and they really enjoy having you as a partner.


We hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Bassett, Miss Brisco, Miss Russell and Mrs Carter