Year 2 Weekly Blog 23.9.22 - "Be the person that makes others feel special. Be known for kindness and sympathy"

At the end of the day on Wednesday, I overheard one of the children saying to their friend “Wow, it’s the end of the day already! Don’t the days go quickly!”, and I certainly have to agree! With all the learning taking place, the days are whizzing by and before we know it, it’s time to go home!

The children are fully immersed in our focus story ‘The Way Home For Wolf’ and were excited to discover that some of their predictions about the story plot were correct. We were all delighted to discover that Wilf managed to find his way back to his pack, but not without the help of some new arctic friends on the way. We’ve again taken on the roles of the characters in our drama activities, which has really helped our writing come to life. The class wrote some fantastic thank you letters from Wilf to his new friends this morning - well done children!

In Maths, we’ve been using those tricky greater than, less than and equal to signs to help us to compare multiples of 10. We’ve also been positioning multiples of 10 on number lines, even when they don’t have any other numbers to help us. We’ve learned the importance of finding that midpoint of 50 before deciding where our multiples should sit. Below I have attached a range of photographs from our first few weeks of maths learning in Year 2.

We had a lovely discussion about our gifts from God in RE this week. It was beautiful to hear the children recognising such wonderful qualities and gifts in themselves and sharing these with their friends. From singing to painting, to gymnastics and drumming; Year 2 really are a unique bunch!
Please enjoy some photographs of the children’s first trip to the school chapel. The class were so reverent and respectful as we spent some quiet time with God.

Thank you for another fantastic week of learning Year 2!

Let’s Celebrate

Joseph – what an amazing start you have made to Year 2!  You have been so enthusiastic about all aspects of your learning and it has been wonderful to see so many of your brilliant ideas being used in your work.  Your thoughts have been shared so enthusiastically in our lessons and you’ve listened carefully to the ideas of others too.  I’m so proud of you Joseph – well done!    

Hugo, it is a pleasure to teach such a respectful and polite Co-operative Roger Robin.  You quietly and calmly follow any instructions given and can always be seen making super choices.  I always love hearing what you’ve been up to at playtimes and how you have played so wonderfully with your friends.  Thank you Hugo – we are lucky to have you! 


Date for your diary - Year 2 assembly will take place on Tuesday 4th October at 9:10am.

Please check the home learning section for this week’s homework.

Thank you for your support with reading at home. Already I can see that the children are trying really hard with their quizzing and are only quizzing/changing their books when ready.

Have a fabulous weekend.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the year 2 team.