‘Alleluia, how the people cheer and palm leaves rustle as the king draws near.’

It’s been a busy but wonderful week in Reception. There has been lots happening from Ranger School to re-telling the story of Palm Sunday and alongside all of this we even managed to fit in a visit to our Year 6 buddies! Reception were excited to deliver their thank you notes that they had written for Year 6 thanking them for taking such good care of us when we walked to Mass together. We got to visit them in their classroom and even joined them for playtime and lunch!
Reception and Year 6 have a lovely bond and it’s great to spend time together!

What have we been learning this week:

Maths: This week in Maths, we were visited by our friend Sunny who needed our help with his counting. We worked as a team to think of different strategies that we could use to count large amounts of objects that were to great to subitise.
Reception, I wonder what strategies you can remember, can you tell your grown ups at home?

RE: This week we have been thinking about why this time of year is so special. We talked about the Easter story which begins with Palm Sunday. We listened to the story and enjoyed taking turns to act and sing and on Friday, we were excited to join together as a whole school and watch Year 2 tell the story of palm Sunday in their Easter assembly.

Ranger School: The weather was finally on our side this Thursday and we had a great afternoon in Ranger school. We remembered one of the 5 important things for survival which was fire and we had a go at lighting our own little camp fires. We listening really carefully to Ranger Fraser’s instructions and understood how important it is to be safe and sensible. Our favourite part was definitely toasting the marshmallows, Yum Yum!

Let’s Celebrate!

Determined Sadie Spider & Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: Heidi!
Heidi, we have all been inspired by your enthusiasm for PE. Each week we practise our fundamental skills and we have enjoyed watching how your drive and determination has helped you to develop these skills even further this term. You are always looking for ways to challenge yourself and go that little bit further! Keep up this fabulous enthusiasm and determination and you can achieve anything you put your mind to!
Well done Heidi!

Focused Cooper Crab: Toby
Toby, you have been so focused during all of our phonics lessons this half term and we can see how much you have grown in confidence with your reading. You have noticed how this fabulous focus is helping you to become a speedy reader and it’s been wonderful to see your face light up with pride! Keep up this brilliant focus Toby, we are very proud of you. Well done Toby!

Reception’s Sponsored Event

Reception have been busy Rangers this week working hard to create their posters which will be displayed in St Annes. Throughout this half term, they have certainly demonstrated their passion for taking care of our environment and are thrilled to have the opportunity to share this with our local community and to encourage others to do the same.

We are very grateful for any donations, please could these be returned to school by Wednesday 5th April.

Easter Egg Competition

On Wednesday, the Student Council will be holding the Easter egg competition. Children are invited to decorate an egg - creativity encouraged! All entries are asked to bring £1 which will be donated to CAFOD. There will be a prize for each class winner and then an ultimate prize for the overall winner.

Good Luck!

Easter Lunch

We will be having a special Easter lunch on Wednesday 5th April. This is free for Reception, we kindly ask that you ‘book’, so our wonderful kitchen team know how many children are having the lunch. Please click on the Easter Lunch post (on the Reception page) to book.

Important Notices & Polite Reminders:

  • Congratulations to Bamber who received the most house points this half term. As a special celebration, they can wear their own clothes (yellow) on Thursday.

  • Reminder that our last day of term is Thursday 6th April and school will close at 14:00 for Marsden and Harcourt and 14:05 for Bamber and Plessington.

    As always, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact via email - s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Have a wonderful half term,

The Reception Team