Year 3 30.9.22 "You are precious in my eyes."

We have continued our work on fables, this week and found our school mission statement lying at the heart of the fable, The Frog and the Ox. One of the characters in the story believes that he has no special talent like his friends. He tries to change himself to become more like the animals around him, however, it doesn’t work out very well! II takes another character to recognise the frogs special qualities. We found that this fable was teaching us a special message, that we are all special and unique. This made us think about our school missions statement and how we remember Jesus’ words, “You are precious in my eyes.” It also taught us that we can all help one another to find their special gifts and to celebrate these differences together.

We have also been getting stuck into our maths learning, focusing on finding efficient ways of adding three addends together. The children are now very confident when explaining their reasoning, sharing why they chose to add certain numbers together first. We have a lot of really enthusiastic mathematicians!

During PE this week we have been practising our tuck and pencil jumps. The children have worked together beautifully and each group created a wonderful gymnastic routine which include ways of travelling, jumps and small point balance. Well done our Roger Robins!

KIDSAFE - This week we have also started working through our KIDSAFE programme. Please see the attached letter which explains what the children will be learning during the programme and what we have been learning about this week.

Let’s celebrate!

Hudson our Keep Improving Lizzie Ladybird! You have wowed us with you focus and determination towards your learning, in particular during maths! Each lesson you have listened carefully before setting off to work to solve as many equations as possible! We are so proud of you Hudson and how hard you work! We just know that you are going to achieve target after target! Well done.

Lily and Naomi our Roger Robins! We have loved seeing how kind, caring and helpful you have been towards your learning partners this week. You worked so well during PE and really helped your group to create a lovely routine. Your kind smiles encourage those around you. These small acts of kindness are so special. Thank you for making our classroom a kind place!


  • Parents day. Friday 21st we have our online parents day. Above you will find the teacher that you are to book an appointment with.

  • Assembly: Year 3’s assembly is on Tuesday 18th October at 9:10 and 9:35. We hope you will be able to come along to watch us perform!

  • Harvest: With Harvest time fast approaching, we are looking forward to celebrating as a whole school community once again for the first time since the pandemic. As in previous years, as a school, we will be collecting food items for local food banks. Year 3 are collecting tinned custard, so please donate if you can, before Friday 14th October.

  • Kidsafe:

  • Medical information: We have very nearly received everybody’s medical forms. If you have not already please complete the forms listed on our previous blog.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Bassett, Miss Brisco, Miss Russell and Mrs Carter