
Wow, what a week! We have found out all about how to make bread and wheat. We all watched a powerpoint about my friend Pip. Click on the button to see the slides.

We then made some bread…it was so yummy! We have been talking about all the foods that are made from wheat/flour. On Friday morning we read the story about a Runaway Chapati. Click here on the button below to read the story. On Friday afternoon….we ate chapati’s…..mmmmmmm

Harvest Festival

On Monday 17th October school will be off to Church to celebrate Harvest Festival. We have decided to have our own mini Harvest Festival in nursery (it will probably go on all week!!). As in previous years school and nursery will be collecting food for the Food Bank. Nursery has been asked to collect tins of soup. Any donations would be very welcome, just send them into nursery next week (by Friday please) and we will make sure they are delivered.

To help us celebrate Gods Creation of our wonderful planet we have all been doing the Harvest Samba! Watch out Strictly, we are very good! It’s a 10 from me! Click here to have a dance at home. Get your sparkles on!

If you still have any energy left click here.

Colette’s blog

Hello everyone! It’s been another very busy week here at Nursery.

We started the week with Barbara’s friend Pip who shared his journey to his friend’s farm where he saw the farmer gathering the wheat. Pip taught us how to make bread so we decided to have a go at making our own. I won’t say any more but I’ll let you have a look at the photos so you can see for yourselves!!  Needless to say it was yummy!

The children had also been noticing how many leaves had been falling in Nursery garden. The colours were so varied and beautiful and we decided to make a colourful autumn display by collecting some of the leaves and making leaf prints!

As always there has been lots of time spent in the garden making obstacle courses and practising our skills on the tricycles and the scooters.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend together.

Kind regards


Michelle’s blog

 Our week has been so busy, we have had so much fun and learnt so much. Our main focus has been Autumn and learning about the changes in the weather and the environment. We have used our new Autumn collecting baskets to forage and collect our Autumn treasures. We then used our foraged items to practise our cutting skills. This is such an important skill for the children to master, so we are giving them as much practice as possible. See here for some fun activities to develop cutting skills. Click here for some cutting activities to try. We also used our foraging treasures to make a very big Autumn collage. The children were fascinated by the shapes and colours of the leaves and made some wonderful leaf prints for the autumn display.

We have also had a very physical week, with lots of Wacky races, such as backwards races and  hopping races. During PE we have practised listening and following instructions to Sticky Kids. Here is one of our favourite songs. Click here to have a go at home.

Our learning continued as we met Numberblocks number 2. We had a tricky challenge as the number 1 and number 2 baskets got mixed up. We had to work hard to put everything back in the right baskets, working out which items belonged in the number 1 basket and which belonged in the number 2 one. But, we worked it out, like Tommy Turtle, we kept trying. Click here to meet number 2.

Thank you to everyone who came to our parents meetings, and hopefully I will catch up with everyone soon. Don’t forget to check Purple Mash this weekend.

Have a good weekend, see you next week!


Stephanie’s Blog

Hello everyone!

What another fun, busy week we have had. We have really enjoyed talking about Autumn and all the changes that have been happening to the trees and the weather. We collected different leaves from the garden and made leaf printing pictures using the paint. This was a great activity to look at different colours and talk about the textures of the leaves.

We spoke about our upcoming harvest festival and how we can help others by collecting food to donate. Your child may have told you about our Harvest Samba around the nursery – we loved singing about all the foods we can grow and eat. We’d love to see some photos if you have grown anything in your garden, or if you tried the potatoes we harvested from the nursery garden last week.

Making bread was so much fun! We took turns to add the flour and warm water to the bowl and made our own bread rolls to eat at snack time. We really enjoyed spreading butter on them ourselves!

We have continued to look at ourselves this week and all the things that make us the same and different. We have enjoyed books that show us different cultures and spoken about how we can be friends with everyone. We have practised different ways to say ‘hello’ and ‘happy’ in other languages and also using our hands to sign. Here is a video you could watch at home to practise ‘hello’ in different languages: Click here to find out more.

We have looked at Number 2 this week – Click here to watch We paired up with our friends to practise going from 1 to 2 and enjoyed doing 2 hops, jumps, claps etc outside in the garden. We also tried to see if we could fit 2 friends in the red twirly seat which then progressed to 3, 4 and even 5! It was a bit of a squeeze! We also led on the floor to see if we were taller or smaller than the shark we had drawn – have a look at our scared faces!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you on Monday!


 I think you will agree it has been a fun week!

I’m sure about this weekends weather but enjoy it anyway. Get on the wellies and waterproofs and have a splashing time.

See you all on Monday

God Bless
