Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 9.9.22

This year, home learning will alternate between work to be completed in home learning books and online home learning. As the children still have quite a lot of space in their Year 1 homework books and they were backed so beautifully, we’re going to continue using these in Year 2 until they are full up.

This week I would like the children to create a title page in their books to show that it is the start of their Year 2 learning. This could have the title Year 2 in big letters and may be surrounded by drawings, photographs or writing displaying what your child enjoys doing both in and out of school. They may also wish to draw their families or their pets. This will help me to get to know the children even more whilst creating a clear distinction between Year 1 and Year 2 learning in their home learning books. Be as creative as you wish!

This week the children completed their reading assessment on the Accelerated Reader programme which determines their reading age and level. Each child has now chosen their new reading book which they should read for at least 20 minutes each day. We encourage the children to grow in independence in Year 2, and so they do not have set days to quiz on their books and change them. The children will have the opportunity to read and quiz everyday, but need to be encouraged not to quiz until they are ready. I have explained to the children that shorter books should be read at least twice, whereas longer books only need to be read once but thoroughly. Please do not worry if your child’s reading level has changed from Year 1. This occurs across the school because of the summer holidays and getting back into class routines. The children will complete another assessment before the next half term and we will alter the reading levels once again. We will also change reading levels depending on progress in fluency and comprehension. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.


Spellings to learn this week:
The or sound spelt a before l and ll - all tall ball call fall small always also

Homework will be given on Fridays and collected back in on Thursdays, ready for new learning to be set on Fridays again. Spelling quizzes will take place on Fridays. Below I have attached some creative ideas for how to learn spellings. Spellings can also be written out in home learning books if you wish.

Miss Woodend