Year 2 "You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose"

What a wonderful start to the year we have had in Year 2! It was amazing to see all of the children’s smiling faces as they proudly walked through the door on Monday morning, looking incredibly smart all ready for the new challenges ahead! We have been so busy getting to know each other that the week seems to have flown by in the blink of an eye!

We started the week by learning all about our new classroom, timetable and routines. I think the later lunch of 1pm was definitely a difficult one to adjust to, but by today, I certainly heard far less belly rumbles by 12:30pm! Together, we’ve decided on our class rules and expectations and have created our own unique handprints as our way of promising to follow these rules the best we can. We’ve also spent time looking at our school mission statement together ‘You are precious in my eyes”. We discussed what this means and how we can show this in our words and our actions. All of us are special and unique and we should celebrate our differences each and every day!

The children have also been given their roles and responsibilities for this term and they couldn’t wait to get started. From computer monitors and book monitors, to hand gel monitors and even fruit monitors; there’s a job for everyone! These jobs will be changed every half term, so each child will get the opportunity to carry out a range of responsibilities throughout their time in Year 2.

Somehow, we’ve also managed to fit Maths, English, Music, PE, Art and a trip to church into our first week too! Celebrating Our Lady’s birthday together as a school community was a beautiful way to start the new year yesterday, and I must say, the children sat, sang and prayed so wonderfully and respectfully.

Year 2, you most certainly deserve a rest this weekend! Enjoy the time with your families and I will see you ready for the new week ahead on Monday.

Let’s Celebrate

Wow Ellie-Rose, what a great start to Year 2!  I have been so impressed by your determination this week, particularly in your reading!  Although some words were tricky to read, you used your Read Write Inc. sound knowledge to help you.  Not once have I heard you wanting to give up this week; you have quietly got on and I can’t wait to see what you will achieve this year!

What an amazing start to Year 2 Fletcher! You have shown amazing focus in every lesson and are always ready to listen and follow instructions.  The class are incredibly lucky to have such a great role model as part of their team.  Thank you for always being ready and for helping others around you to be ready to learn too!  Well done Fletcher!


Important forms to complete - Please fill in these forms as soon as possible so that we can ensure your child is safe and able to learn well. We are also unable to put photographs of your child on the school website until we have your consent, so please do complete them as soon as you can.

PE Days - Tuesday (outdoor) and Wednesday (indoor).
Induction Evening - The Year 2 team are looking forward to welcoming you into our classroom on Wednesday 14th September at 6pm.
Date for your diary - Year 2 assembly will take place on Tuesday 4th October at 9:10am.

Please check the home learning section for this week’s home learning. There is also important information here regarding reading books.

Please do contact me if you have any questions, queries or concerns. My email is

Have a lovey weekend.
God Bless
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team.