Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 4.11.22

This week’s home learning is online.


Please read for at least 20 minutes every day.


This week we’ve been using number lines to 100 to help develop our place value knowledge. Click the link below and see if you can estimate where the numbers would sit on the number line. Select numbers 0-100 when given the option at the beginning of the game.

Maths IXL



Next week, we will start our new English topic ‘Traditional Tales’, which will then lead into ‘Fairytales with a Twist’. For your home learning, I would like you to access the website below and read/listen to a range of traditional tales.

After you have accessed the website above, I have then set a 2DO for you to complete on Purple Mash. Write a list of all of the fairytale characters/stories you know. If you’re feeling creative, you can also draw a picture of the characters or book covers. Remember, the list can include characters you already know and ones you have just learned about by accessing the above website.

English IXL



Spellings to learn this week:

Adding the suffix -ing - clapping stopping shopping dropping running grabbing

High-frequency words spellings to learn this week:

Set 6 - some come they this there that

Spelling quizzes will take place on Fridays. Below I have attached some creative ideas for how to learn spellings. Spellings can also be written out in home learning books if you wish.

Miss Woodend