Year 5 Weekly Blog 04.11.22- ' A smile is the universal welcome'

A new month and a new half term! It has been lovely to have to children back. It has been a fun filled first week back with it starting on Monday, which was ‘All Hallows Eve’. We discussed the meaning of this as we prepped for mass on Tuesday, the day of All Saints, where we celebrated this at church. The Eco councilors also began their duties, each of them partaking in particular roles each day such as litter picking, switching off lights and emptying the compost bins. They also got to go out to Hope Park and plant some light bulbs. The children enjoyed their trip and were pleased with their contributions to the environment.

In Maths, we have continued our work with decimal fractions and we have explored decimal numbers greater than one. The children have shown a deep understanding of the value of the numbers and have been able to provide some brilliant reasoning into their answers. We have also been showing how we can represent decimals in various ways, along with comparing decimal numbers.

The children are wrapping up their final piece of History this term, where they have been writing diary entries as General Miltiades, the leader of the Athenian army who guided his soldiers to victory in the Battle of Marathon.

Let’s Celebrate

Christian for being a focused learner- You are always engaged across all of our subjects and you are ready to learn. I never have to remind you of your behaviour and you show me that you can work alongside anyone. You respond well to advice given to you by adults in the class which is a great learning quality. Well done Christian! Keep this up.

Daisy for being a reflective learner-You show such passion towards your work and how you present it. You are never shy to ask for help, which shows an eagarness to improve your work. You are happy to recieve feedback in which you always act upon this. You are a pleasure to teach and I am excited to watch you progress.


Year 5 assembly: Our assembly will take place on Tuesday 15th November. All parents and other family members are welcome to attend. We will be doing the assembly twice for both KS2 (starting at 9:10am) and KS1(starting at 9:35am).

Clarinets- A reminder to bring your clarinet to school on Monday for our music lesson.