Year 3 BLOG - " Carve your own path slowly - like all great glaciers!"

We started the week with great excitement, as the children entered the classroom they noticed that there has been MANY changes. It was so special seeing their interest and excitement as they learnt about the new classroom environment and how they can now easily access equipment as and when they need it.

Along with this, we are now fully immersed in our new story, “Ice Cat”. We have been admiring and magpie-ing the beautiful description that this book is absolutely full of. We have also been developing our reading voices, using the punctuation to help us to read with fluency and intonation. From reading the first chapter our classroom became full with curious Clara clownfish’s. The children have been asking many questions about what might happen next and basing their thoughts and responses on the clues and information that we have previously read. I know that we are all really eager to read on!

Monday to Wednesday in our maths work we have been working on understanding what are compliments of 100 (e.g. 100 = 36 + 64). We have been focusing carefully so that we are able to find these efficiently and accurately. If you haven’t already please look at this weeks homework, can you share with your parents how we can solve these questions using a part - whole model efficiently?

Mrs Hotchkiss had two super busy days at the end of the week. The children have really embraced the 8 timestables and we are beginning to skip count rather efficiently. We have all been reintroduced to TT rockstars so that we can use this has a learning tool for the rest of the year. In geography we explored the difference between winter and summer in the Artic Circle and even though a lot of snow and ice melts in summer it remains very cool. Mrs Hotchkiss was delighted with the children’s ability to retrieve what they had already learnt last week - they could all explain why the Artic is so cold!

On Friday we continued to embrace our French colours, introducing shapes too so we could describe their colours! Well done class. At the very end of the week we completed our first music lesson with Mrs Hotchkiss. She needs to practice her recorder - but she is showing promise!

All in all a lovely week!


This week our certificates went to:

Grace - a truly focused learner. Grace has listened so carefully to her teachers, focused during all her independent tasks and has been a complete joy to teach!!!

Joshua - Miss Bassett has been impressed with Joshua’s apprach to all his learning especially his RE. He is showing the ability to keep on trying - what a Sadie Spider!


Lip Balms and creams for chapped skin are considered medical in school and need to be in the care of the class teacher. Please ask your child to hand the item to the teacher and the teacher will allow them to administer. It is very important that children do not share these items - thank you for your help in this matter.

Homework to be handed in on Thursday ready to go back out on Friday

PE remains Monday and Friday. It is cold at the moment so a beanie/bobble hat for PE Monday would be great.