Year 2 Weekly Blog 13.1.23 'For those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given and they will have an abundance of knowledge' Matthew 13:12

I can’t quite believe it is Friday already! This week, I have seen lots of wonderful work from lots of focused children.

Maths lessons started this week with our plasticine tortoise models - weighing and comparing using mathematical language like lightest, heaviest, more than, less than etc. We’ve continued comparing in the rest of our maths lesson and thought about how we can find the difference between number practically using beads and tiles, in bar models and on number lines.I’ve been really impressed with the children’s focus in maths this week.

We’re coming to the end of our Fairy Tales focus in English, this week we have recapped the story, The Great Fairy Tale Disaster and have started to think about how we can wrtite our own Fairy Tale Disaster stories. The children have had some great ideas about fairy tales the Big Bad Wolf could visit, characters he could meet and magical objects he could come across. Next week we will be putting together all our ideas, Im really looking forward to reading the children’s stories.

In geography, this half term we will be looking at Seas and Coasts. We’ve thought about what we already know and what we would like to find out. The children enjoyed singing the continents song to me that they learnt in year 1.

The children enjoyed playing a ‘Guess who’ style game in computing. We were thinking about questions that could only be answered with ‘yes’ or ‘no’, in preparation for making our own binary tress next lesson to sort objects.

Our new topic in science is ‘Living Things and their Habitats’ after a brief introduction this week, thinking about what we already know and what we’d like to learn we’re really looking forward to getting stuck into this next week.

Finally, in RE we have discussed this half term virtues - Learned and Wise. We’ve talked about what they mean and how we can be learned and wise in and around school. The children have also enjoyed some drama and role play, thinking about how they can turn situations of sadness into joy.

Let’s Celebrate

Jackson – Thank you for being such a Focused Cooper Crab in our classroom this week!  You have stayed focused and on task in lessons which has meant that you have been able to keep of up with the pace of our learning.  You have answered questions with great understanding and have completed some amazing independent work.  Keep this up Jackson!

What a Co-Operative Roger Robin you are Louisa!  You can always be seen making the right choices. You speak so politely to others and treat them with great respect and compassion. You take care and pride in your work and it is always presented beautifully. Thank you for being such a valued member of our class team. 


Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday.

Lip balm/Chap sticks - with the cold weather some children have been bringing to school lip balm and chap sticks to prevent their lips getting sore. This is fine, however children often like to ‘share’ and as a result are sharing germs. It is fine for children to continue bringing these into class, however can we ask that they are clearly named and handed to me at the start of the day, I will keep them safe for the children to use as they need them. Thank you for your understanding.

AR Reader - letters will be coming home next week to enable and explain to you how you can access this resource at home.

Gosh, what a busy week! Thank you so much as always for your continued support, have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Marham and the Year 2 Team

Please check the home learning section for this week’s online homework.