Year 5 Weekly Blog 13.01.23- 'Independence of choosing their own life decisions is the biggest gift we can give our children'

As we come to the end of our first full week of 2023, the children have jumped straight back into the full school work swing and have been very productive. It has been clear to see from all of the Year 5 staff that the children are developing into independent learners and are really taking control/care of their work.

There has been lots of writing this week in English, as we have been planning and writing explanatory texts. We have combined this with our forces work in science and children have been writing how to build an elastic band rocket and the science behind it all. In Maths, we started our new unit of factors and multiples, in which our times tables knowledge comes in really handy so the children have been excited to apply this knowledge to direct maths questions. Our focus in PE has been on preparing for the indoor athletics competition. The children have attempted and recorded scores for various different events and really pushed themselves physically in the track events. In RE, we have been finishing our topic of covenants and have been using the bible to research scripture, in order to investigate the different covenants that God had with his disciples and followers. As we have just passed the day of Epiphany, we have learned about the ‘mystery of incarnation’ and how both God has mulitple forms and how Jesus was seen as many different people.

Let’s Celebrate

Dominic for being a enthusiastic and focused learner: For always engaging in our lessons, asking curious questions and showing a real passion for all of our subjects. You are always switched on during lessons and it is clear to see that you want to learn. You are very considerate of others and can work alongside anyone in our class, making you an excellent classmate.

Nicola for being a determined and co-operative: For competing and winning the All Girls Fylde Football Tournament this week. To be the only Year 5 girl in a team full of older children may put some people off but you strived in this situation. You worked brilliantly with your team mates and even when the weather conditions got tough, you persevered and battled through to the end, resulting in us winning the competition.


  • Homework- Is due every Thursday and all homework is up on the homework blog.

  • Judo- Due to popular demand, Judo will be available for Year 3/4 this half term and then Year 5/6 will be able do Judo after half term. More information is available on the sports page of the school website (engage).

  • Medical cream/lip balm- Due to the cold weather, some children are bringing in lip balm but some children have been sharing lip balms and passing them around, this meaning that lots of germs are also being passed around. Any lip balms or creams will be classed as medical usage and if needed, are to be given to the teacher and then applied when asked.

  • Indoor Athletics Competition- Will be on Tuesday 17th January at Stanley Park, Blackpool. Information regarding this is on the sports page of the school website (engage).