Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, can you hear their fearsome roars?

What a great start to our new learning thread! Finding our about dinosaurs is so very interesting, although we have found trying to say some of their names rather challenging. We are determined not to give in though. We have have been amazed at how many fact the children already know.

This week we have been fining out how we know dinosaurs roamed our planet. What clues did they leave behind? Fossils and bones. We decided to make our fossils using clay and making imprints of ammonites and bones (not real dinosaurs bones!). When they have dried our we will be sending them home.

We learnt some new and exciting ‘wow’ words such as extinct, carnivore, herbivore and omnivore. We categorised all our dinosaurs into meat eaters. plant eaters, flyers runners or swimmers. T-Rex was the definite favourite!

Click on the button below to print some dinosaurs pictures to find out about at home.

If you fancy making a dinosaurs pairs game at home click on the button. You will be able to practise your cutting too!

If you think you can move like a dinosaur click here! Enjoy!

This week we have been learning five new sounds c,k,b,u,f.

Click here for ‘c’ with Geraldine Giraffe

Click here for ‘k’ with Geraldine Giraffe

More from Geraldine next week!

Maths Mastery

We introduced numberblock 6 this week. Click here to meet 6.

We have also been measuring dinosaurs using small blocks. Click on the button to have a go at home. If you haven’t got any small block you could use pasta or buttons.

Purple Mash

If you have time take a look at I have pinned some work for you to explore in the mini mash classroom, also, if you click on the sounds cards in the virtual indoor classroom you will be able to find all the initial sounds quiz games and much more!!!!

Colette’s blog

Welcome back everyone! The Christmas holiday seems like it was such a long time ago now doesn’t it!!!

 What a wonderful beginning it has been to the spring term at Nursery. The children continue to amaze the Nursery staff with how well they can remembered all their learning. Our new thread on dinosaurs has been so exciting and the children have learned such facts as a Stegosaurus had a brain the size of a walnut. We had a good look at a walnut and thought it was so tiny!! Thankfully we will never have walnut brains at Nursery because we are so good at listening!

We have continued to work on our sounds and have looked at ‘c’ ‘k’ ‘u’ ‘b’ and ‘f’ …we are getting good at these and the children are even helping each other to remember them.

We have had so much wet and windy weather lately but we have still been managing to get out in the garden for parts of the day. The children invented a game using the plastic spindles and the guttering! We had a competition to see who could make their spindle go the furthest…I have to say the wind did help us cheat a bit some of the time!!!

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend together.


Michelle’s Blog

What a deliciously dinosaur week we have had!

The children have learnt lots of new words, such as herbivore and omnivore  as well as teaching the nursery ladies all the names of the dinosaurs.

We have made our very own fossils and painted pictures of dinosaurs.

We were also palaeontologists as we explored and examined our very own dinosaur bones. They were all different sizes and we had to sort them according to size. This took lots of concentration but we get there in the end.

Here are some fun facts about dinosaurs and some activities to try.


We found out that dinosaurs laid eggs, so we have made our own frozen eggs. Look out for some homework to do at home, designing a dinosaur egg.

Next week we are going to find out about different sized dinosaurs.

Have a lovely weekend


Steph’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome back! It has been lovely to see you all after the Christmas break. The children have been so excited to tell us what they got up to at home and they have come back eager to learn about dinosaurs!

We have had a wonderful week – we have been learning how to say the names of some of the dinosaurs (something I need to learn too!), what they looked like and what they ate. We have been looking at their teeth to work out if they may be a herbivore, carnivore or even an omnivore. Our wow word sheet is getting very full already! It has been great to see the children so animated telling us what they already know.

The children have been amazing remembering the learning we did before the holidays and we have moved onto learning about number 6 and adding 5 more sounds to our sound wall! (c, k, u, b, f ). Click here to access Alphablocks A-Z and see how many sounds your child recognises. You will be very impressed!

This week we have made dinosaur fossils – we used clay and moulded it in our hands before making it flat and imprinting a fossil into it. The children used lots of describing words to talk about how the clay felt in their hands and we are looking forward to taking them home once they are dry. We left some clay out and used the dinosaurs to make and compare their footprints – we love getting messy!

We also enjoyed working together in the garden to make sure the bikes had enough petrol to go. The children took it in turns to come to the ‘petrol man’ or ‘petrol lady’ and ask how much petrol they needed - some of us counted to 20!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you next week.


…and just a few extras from Justine! Just look at the fabulous Spikey Stegosaurus and T-Rex the children have make from reclaimed materials!

I think you will agree we have been very busy.

Library starts again this week. I think lots of dinosaur stories will be coming home!

Could I also tell everyone that we will be having another drop session on Wednesday 8th February 3.45 pm - 4.45 pm. All the team will be available to discuss your child’s learning and to answer and questions that you may have. Try and pop in to see us.

I’m not sure what the weather will do this weekend (probably more rain!) but either way have some lovely family time together and I will see you on Monday.

God bless
