This week...

This week we have been palaeontologists! Great another wow word to add to our list!

We have been digging for dinosaur bones and fossils in the sand! When we found a bone we matched it to the bone chart! Take a look!

The children have been so engaged in finding out facts about dinosaurs, even though some of the dinosaur name are extremely tricky to pronounce! We got there in the end!

If you want to go on some dinosaur adventures check out Andy’s dinosaur adventures and games by clicking here.

Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone,

We have had such a busy week this week. On Tuesday we were greeted by a winter wonderland when we arrived at nursery. Even though it was cold, this didn't stop us going in the garden and making the most of the snowy weather.  We had such fun making patterns in the snow with shovels and brushes.  This helps to develop our large muscles, and our smaller muscles too ready for starting school and holding a pencil for writing. Other activities to develop these muscles can be found here.

We have loved being palaeontologists this wee, and have explored and examined the dinosaur bones and fossils. We have also painted lots of pictures of dinosaurs.

We have really enjoyed PE as well, we are getting really good at hopping and jumping, and this week we have started to jump over the hurdles. Its so tricky to do this with both feet together, but we are practising. Maybe you could practise jumping over objects at home, with both feet together.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.


Steph’s blog

Hello everyone

What a great week we have had! We began the week being palaeontologists - we had fun putting on our special jackets and digging for dinosaur bones and fossils. We used magnifying glasses to help us and matched the bones to the pictures to work out which dinosaurs they belonged to. 

We also finished our fossils - adding some shimmer really made the imprints stand out! Hopefully you’ve all found your child’s fossil in their bag this week. 

We’ve enjoyed making dinosaur footprints in the playdough and some of us even made dinosaur cakes - they looked great!

We’ve worked hard this week to put our numbers in order. We are up to number 6 now (check out Numberblock 6 here!) so we stuck numbers 1-6 on the spikes on our dinosaur. We are all so good at recognising numbers! Try asking your child to show you 6, 5, 4 etc on their fingers. I bet they can show you lots of different ways!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you all next week.


Colette’s blog

Hello everyone! What a wonderful week we have had but my goodness we have worked hard!

We have continued to look at our numbers and the children have been enjoying looking at the Number 6 Numberblock. We enjoyed watching the number six try and get some cheeky sheep to sleep and discovered that two (or three) heads are better than one! Click here to watch. If that wasn’t enough we have even had a go at writing some numbers although it was a bit tricky it didn’t put us off!

Although it has been a freezing cold week we have wanted to go out in the garden and explore the beautiful white trails that Jack Frost had left for us. We definitely needed our hats and gloves on.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend together.


Sounds with Geraldine Giraffe!

Click here for ‘b’

Click here for ‘u’

Click here for ‘f’


Maths Mastery

This week we have been trying to recognise the spot patterns on a dice without counting (this is known as subitising). We are getting very good. Why not have a try at home! You could even make your own dice out of a cuboid tissue box and use sticky dots to make the dice patterns…alternatively, you could just play a boards game with a dice…. good luck and remember to have fun!

Keep a look out for a game coming home too!

Worship- Created to Love Others

Religious Understanding firstly helps children to understand why the Bible is so special to Christians, and secondly helps children to act out the Gospel account of Jesus washing His disciples’ feet, showing that He loves us and is a role model for us to copy in loving one another.

We will also be exploring our relationship with others. Building on the understanding that we have been created out of love and for love We will explore how we take this calling into our family, friendships and relationships, and teaches strategies for developing healthy relationships and keeping safe.

I hope you all manage to have a restful weekend, I believe it is going to be sunny tomorrow! Enjoy it whilst you can.

God Bless
