Year 5 Homework to be handed in 26th January


This weeks spellings have been our orange words (tricky words) so these will need practicing over the next week. The first 6 spellings are brand new words that we have learned this week, with the rest being other tricky words that have previously come up in spelling tests.

  1. develop

  2. determined

  3. familiar

  4. definite

  5. awkward

  6. persuade

  7. enough

  8. cough

  9. interrupt

  10. especially

  11. rhythm

  12. curiosity


To read for a minimum of 20 minutes at home every day. Children need to make sure to bring their reading book into school every day and also take it home to maximise the amount of reading they can do and to get them quizzing!


Will be on IXL;

  • PP2- Capitalisation (Capital Letters)

  • T2- Vocabulary - defining words with prefixes pre-, re-, mis-


Will be on IXL;

  • D9- Multiples