Year 5 Weekly Blog 20.01.23- 'Focus on being productive instead of busy'

This week has definitely been a week filled with lots of hard work and learning opportunities. Whether it’s been starting new topics, continuing with big units or end of unit assessments, the children have applied themselves really well into all of our pieces of work. It has been brilliant to see the children take on the advice given from the Year 5 staff about becoming independent learners and preparing them not just for Year 6 but even for high school!

In English, we have been finishing our explanatory texts, which are all about elastic band rockets! The children have been retrieving and applying their scientific knowledge of forces to explain how the rockets work, using all of their new vocabulary.

In Maths, we have continued with our factors and multiples unit and have been doing lots of deep thinking this week, with the children using their multiplication knowledge to apply these to problem solving and reasoning questions.

In RE, we have finished our topic of covenants and have started our new topic ‘Inspirational People’. We started by discussing what the word inspire means and how different people portray it. The children loved sharing who their inspirations were and how they inspire them (and yes mums and dads were mentioned in this). We then linked this to how Jesus was inspirational and what qualities/characteristics he has.

In PE, now the athletics competition is over, our focus turned to our new topics. We started hockey in our outdoor PE lessons, with the children understanding the safety and technic of using proper hockey equipment. The children then applied these skills into some passing and controlling drills. In our indoor PE lessons, we have continued with our dance topic of ‘heroes and villains’, in which we linked our new RE topic to relate our inspirational and heroic icons.


Today, we continued with our Kidsafe programme in HRE. Here is what we learned today.

Let’s Celebrate

All Girls Lancashire County Finals- A huge congratulations to our girls football team, just to make it to the Lancashire County Finals is a huge achievement in itself and to represent Fylde is such a big competition. After a tough start to the tournament, the girls won 3 games in a row to reach the shield final, where we sadly fell short. Myself and Mr. Nay were super proud of the commitment, resilience and teamwork of the girls throughout both tournaments.

Indoor Athletics Competition- Another huge sporting competition this week and it was the Indoor Athletics Competition at Stanley Park. Mnay children from Year 5/6 got the chance to represent the school in sports with lots of different events taking place. For our Year 5 children, this was the first time partaking in an event as big as this, with lots of schools competing, parents watching in the stands and judges/officials orgainsing the event. Naturally, the children were nervous but they gave their all and they all should be really proud of themselves, as are myself and Mrs Gregan.

Evan and Alex for being focused learners: Throughout all of our maths lessons this week, you two boys have been so focused and eager to get on with your work. You have listened thoroughly to instructions and have both got your head down and straight into each task. You have been so productive in the amount of work you have completed and you should feel proud.


  • Football and Netball training- Will be returning next week with the times being the same. Football training will be on Monday at 8am and netball starting at 3:30pm on Thursday. This information is also available on the sports timetable on the website (engage-> sport).

  • Whole class Eco trip- The whole class will be going down to the beach for our annual Christmas tree planting which will be on Tuesday 31st January. More details are to follow

  • Accelerated Reader- All children were given letters regarding accelerated reader. These letters are for parents in order for you to access your childs reading progress.