Year 3 weekly blog - "Kindness is doing what you can, where you can, with what you have."

Our learning this week has been full of excitement and interest. We have been introduced to our science topic… electricity. The children could not wait to share their current knowledge about this topic. They also asked lots of great, curious questions which we hope to be able to answer over the coming lessons! We have already started to gain a greater awareness on energy sources, how some electrical items must be plugged into their power source, and others use a battery that stores the energy.

We have also had so much success in our computing lessons… we have certainly become much more confident when coding. This week we looked at how we could use timers when commanding an object to move. It was great fun!

We have taken to bridging over 100 in multiples of 10 this week, and learnt a fantastic method to make this super easy! The children were amazing each one was so focused to really make sure they grasped the method before setting off to use it with such confidence and enjoyment! I wonder: ask your child how they could answer 80 + 50, using the new bridging method. On Thursday and Friday we explored the relationship between multiplication and division - plus some really tricky word problems - good paired talk here!

In English we have really been developing our reading skills, using the punctuation to help us to read with understanding and expression. We have now read up to chapter 3 of Ice Cat, and we are once again, left desperate to read on! Along with our reading skills, we have also taken time to understand how we can use prepositions when writing, and each child has completed a lovely piece of writing, including lots of prepositions to explain how Tom built his ice cat. In geography we wrote our very own non-chronological report all about our a favourite artic animal. We challenged ourselves to use conjunctions to join up clauses!Well done everybody!

Finally, we started our class council with a beautiful worship based on the Beatitudes. We reflected on what makes us happy - then we listened to the words of Jesus and we could see that our happiness is connected to our relationships with one another and our God.

Have a blessed weekend.


Well done to Joseph who keeps on trying and trying again- just like Sadie Spider. It is not what we do sometimes that matters it is how we tackle it the next time. Every small improvement leads to greater success

Well done Rory - we could give you every character Rory, you are focused, creative, determined and resilient. I just loved the way you explained how you had used a rhetorical question in your non-chronological report. Just great!


Oline Safety day is coming up on Tuesday 7th February. Get ready by joining in the competition Mrs Gregan has set for the school.