Year 2 Weekly Blog 27th January - A bird sitting on a branch is never afraid of the branch breaking because her trust is not on the branch but on it's own wings. Always believe in yourself.

A bird sitting on a branch is never afraid of the branch breaking because her trust is not on the branch but on it's own wings. Always believe in yourself.

We got stuck into our new English topic this week - Non Chronological Reports. The children have enjoying researching birds and in particular owls. We’ve identified features of non chronological reports and talked about the language we will use in our own reports.
Our new class book is The owl who was afraid of the dark.

In maths, we’ve looked at consecutive numbers and the difference between them. We’ve also been thinking about how we can tell if an number is odd and even.

In RHE we have learned about how feeling and actions are different but are linked. Our feelings can lead to actions, and our actions can cause feelings. In groups, the children thought about how we show our feelings and we discussed how sometimes it can be confusing for others to know how we’re feeling.

We enjoyed hearing about Jesus feeding the 5000 in RE, we put the story in order and recapped the main point of the story on our own fishes and loaves.

Let’s Celebrate!

This week, Rosa. received a Sadie Spider certificate for being such a determined learner. Mrs Carragher has really enjoyed listening to Rosa read. Keep it up Rosa!

Lena received a certificate for her determination in lessons, even when our learning tasks are a little tricky, Lena never gives up. Well done Lena!


Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday.
Verrucas- Indoor PE takes place in our school hall, all children are to take their shoes and socks off for health and safety reasons. If your child has any foot sores, such as verrucas, please ensure that they bring a pair of ‘grippy’ socks (the type you get at the trampoline park) to school with them to wear. Please ensure jewelry and watches are removed on PE days.

Next Tuesday is World Mental Health Day - the whole will be taking part in activities during the day including Yoga - as this is on our normal PE day there is nothing extra that children will need to remember.

Tuesday 7th February is Safer Internet day, Mrs Gregan has set a challenge for the children, please see the poster below.

This week’s homework can be found in the children’s Home Learning books.