This has been a really reflective week in Year 4. We have thought this week about the Gospel story of Jesus calling His first disciples to follow Him. We thought deeply about what following Jesus really meant and came to the conclusion that Jesus just wants us to be kind! We then discussed how kindness can be such small things, like giving someone a compliment, or including someone in a game or conversation, to large things such as heroic acts - but all of these acts will impact both the giver and sender in such a positive way!
We then moved on to look at another world faith this week - Judaism. Children researched and made a poster all about it - showing ways in which their beliefs are similar to ours but different in other ways.
Science - we have now learned the Water Cycle! I love this aspect of Science when we accumulate all they have learned about scientific processes to understand such an amazing thing. Children have been fascinated to find out what a cloud really is and how it rains! Explanatory texts were written and they were incredible! We were straight onto Geography next, learning facts about famous volcanoes.
The children have been amazing in maths this week with their understanding and recall of the 6x table. Each week we are working deeply with the facts, learning to understand equations such as 6 x 9 - 6 = 8 x 6 and solving two step problems involving them.
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, Riley received a Kiki Chameleon certificate for being a learner who deeply considers how he is going to tackle a task. You are like a sponge Riley- you listen so carefully so you can remember all the important things you need to know.
Theo received a Lizzie Ladybird certificate for reflecting carefully on what he needed to do, asking for help if he needed it and asking for advice when needed.
Well done boys!
Swimming stars this week were Dominic (AGAIN!) and Rafe. Super stamina Rafe and Dominic you demonstrated front crawl for all the class to emulate!
Music stars were Pippa and Faye for lovely tunes this week.
Learned and Wise butterflies
This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are learned in their actions, finding God in all things. Those who are wise, who use their learning for the common good. This week we thank Arthur and Faye for being kind and for cheering others on.
Also, Mrs Gregan gave out some special butterflies, when she had noticed children being learned and Wise. Elsie - well done for getting one of these. You noticed when Reception child being very wise!
Our rehearsals are going so well! Not only will children be performing on the Grand theatre stage, their version of the Tempest scene. (Thursday 9th March)
Also, we are going on a Shakespeare themed trip to Gawthorpe Hall on Friday 17th March. This is an amazing experience lead by the hall and I can see the children will love it - they have become such enthusiasts for the Bard!
Adding together the cost of the coaches to and from the Grand theatre and the Shakespeare trip, the cost of this experience is £25 - payable on parentpay from Monday. There is an option to pay for half this month and half next month on parentpay. Please contact us if you have any problems with this and we will endeavor to help.
I have left the link to book tickets for the show too below
Tuesday this week - we have a mental health specialist coming in to do some mindfulness sessions. Please can all children wear PE Kits on Tuesday.
Judo classes - Friday 7:55am
Finally, the snowdrops are out in the woods! We have been watching the skies carefully to see the water cycle in action. Hopefully the clouds will stay put this weekend. Have a lovely one. God bless,
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Hennessy