This week.....

A ‘melange’ of a week this week. We are still enjoying finding about about dinosaurs but our gaze was hijacked when some of our friends told us they had celebrated Chinese New Year! Kung Hei Fat Choy- ‘wishing you great happiness and prosperity’

The children went in to the hall to celebrate by doing a dragon dance. We used large tins to make the drumming music! Fabulous! Take a look.

We also decided to make a Dino world in our dark dark den! Ooooooooh it’s so dark. We had to use torches to see which dinosaurs were in there! Arghhhhhh!

Colette’s blog

Hello everyone! It has been another week of hard work, no wonder we are all tired!

We have been lucky enough to spend some time out in the garden and Thursday afternoon even brought us some much needed sunshine! The children decided to make a ‘Dino Den’ in the garden out of the large wooden triangle. There was room for lots of dinosaurs, carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. The children wanted to camouflage the den so they covered it with some branches from the bush. Some children even had a go at camouflaging themselves (see photos for details!)

We love to experience lots of different music and sounds at Nursery and we found a story where two dinosaurs have a race!  We loved it! Click here to watch.

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend together.


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone,

This week has been full of music and dancing. We learnt about Chinese New Year by listening to a story about Nian the monster and how people chased him away with loud noises and fireworks. We couldn’t quite manage the fireworks but we wanted to make the loud music. (of course!)  We performed our very own dragon dance accompanied by our very own Chinese drummers.

Click here for a lovely short story about Chinese New Year. Click here to watch.

We also had lots of fun making our own dinosaur music, slow and loud for a Stegosaurus and fast and quiet for a velociraptor. Maybe you could practise making dinosaur music at home.

We have also continued  practising our Fundamental Movement Skills of throwing, jumping and hopping by building a huuuge obstacle course in the garden. We felt quite brave as we learnt how to step up and step down on to the planks.

Then in the garden we explored how tyres can move because they are round and that they can move faster if they are higher up on the planks. We had a contest to see who could roll the tyres quickest or furthest.

We continued our Maths mastery by estimating how many snakes were in the box. Then we had to guess how many could fit in the box. We were so surprised when we found out we could fit 21 in the box! We had to put the lid on quick as we know those sneaky snakes might just slither everywhere when we are not here. We will have to watch out for them!

Have a really good weekend and we will see you next week,


Steph’s blog

Hello everyone

What another busy week! We have spent a lot of time in the garden, it has been lovely watching the children play together and continue to practise negotiation and turn taking skills. We made obstacle courses that were tricky – the children helped each other and tried again and again like Sadie Spider.

Playing with the skittles meant we could practise our counting – we were determined to keep practising to knock down all 10! The children helped each other to put the skittles back up each time.

We have been practising our sounds this week – we used sound cards and matched objects to them if they began with that sound. You could write the sounds on some paper and go on a sound hunt around your house to find objects that begin with that sound. So far we have learnt s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, u, f, b.

We have enjoyed moving like dinosaurs this week – here is a link to the video we used.

This meant we could practise our gross motor skills (big movements) and keep our bodies moving!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you all next week.


Throughout the week we have been making cold colour collage pictures, brrrrrrrrr! First we looked at lots of different pictures of cold environments to see if we could spot which colours we could see, we then mixed the paints to the same colours and cut up bits and bobs we could find which complemented the paint.

The children’s challenge was to use all of the paper and to find a space for each colour paint without mixing them all together! That was a bit tricky but we were like Sadies Spider and try, try, tried….and we did it!

The pictures looked great when we had finished them. We have made a display in nursery and the school hall. Have a look!


You’ve Got A Friend in Me!

This week we discussed friendships with our friends and the different qualities of a positive/negative relationships. We learned to look to Jesus as a role model for being a good friend.

We continue to work hard on our numbers, shape space and measure and of course our sounds. We may even start a new number and some more sounds next week! Watch this space!!

Keep an eye out for this weeks home learning challenge. Enjoy!

Have the most fabulous weekend and enjoy being together with loved ones.

See you on Monday

God Bless
