Year 5 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 2nd February


Spellings this week are focusing on a different way the ‘ee’ sound is spelt in particular words. These spellings focus on the sound ‘ei’. The first 9 words are the spellings with the ‘ei’ sound and the other 3 spellings are words we have previously done.

  1. receive

  2. deceive

  3. ceiling

  4. receipt

  5. conceit

  6. conceive

  7. seize

  8. protein

  9. caffeine

  10. whistle

  11. breakable

  12. visible


SPAG worksheet. Some of the pieces of grammar on the sheet, have not been covered yet this year. We have breifly discussed how we may go about answering these questions without fully learning that piece of grammar, however children are to still attempt each question and we will discuss the answers in class.


Will be on IXL;

  • J1- Square and cube numbers

  • K4- Factor pairs