Year 5 Weekly Blog 27.01.23 ' Kindness is something anyone can give without losing anything themselves''

This week has yet again been a productive and reflective week of learning. In RE, we have been focusing on the ‘Beatitudes’ and how Jesus wants us to live our lives on Earth. The children used these to compare to their own inspirational people in their lives and how they can acquire their values. The children also created their own beatitudes and used this task to really reflect on how they would like us to live our lives.

As we finished our Kidsafe lessons in HRE, we began to discuss our religious understanding of different stories in the bible. This week we looked at the ‘Calming of the Storm’ and reflected on what ‘faith’ is and how this relates to the story.

In Science, we are coming to the end of our forces topic as we dip into the world of space next week. We have now covered all of Newton’s 3 laws of motion and how they relate to everyday movements.

In Maths, we have finished our unit of factors, multiples, prime and square numbers, in which the children have retrieved and applied their knowledge to lots of reasoning and problem solving questions.

In English, we have begun our studies of space and have read and respond to our book ‘The Universe’. The children have been eagar to begin this topic and have dived straight into it by sharing what they already know and asking lots of curious questions.

Let’s Celebrate

Christian for being a determined learner: For always giving it a go in every subject we do. You have been working really well with Mrs Webster this week in maths and are becoming a more confident and independent learner.

Rosa for being a reflective learner: For staying focused and wanting to challenge yourself during problem solving activities. You are always open to feedback from adults which allows you to reach your academic potential.


  • Verruca’s and foot sores- When we are in the hall for PE, all children are to take their shoes and socks off for health and safety reasons. If your child has any foot sores, such as verrucas, then please can they bring their own grip socks in for them to wear. The same applies for jewelry and watches, which also need to be removed before PE lessons.

  • Whole class eco trip- We will be out of class on the morning of Tuesday 31st January. Children will come into school at normal time and will have to wear their PE kits, as we have a yoga session in the afternoon for mental health day. Reminder that a £4 fee will be required to cover the cost of the bus. This is live on parent pay and needs to be paid ASAP.

  • Film Competition- This is optional for children to participate in, which has been set by Mrs Gregan. The deadline for this is Monday 6th February.