Year 3 Homework to be handed in Thursday 12th January

It has been a short but packed few days. Mrs Hotchkiss has taken up the role of our new Year 3 teacher for Thursday and Friday! On these days she will be focusing on Maths (multiplication and division), geography (the Artic) history (Celts), French and music.

Mrs Hotchkiss also had the opportunity to listen to the whole class read which allowed her to see the progress the children have made and who needs a little more help.



As always reading remains the most important task of the week. Please make sure you are reading daily. You will not be able to quiz at home (we have changed the setting here- this is so we can observe the children quizzing this supports our teacher assessments). You can quiz in the mornings when you first come into class.


Today in class we revised the 4 timestable and linked this to the 8 timestable. We have to be able to memories and skip count in fours and eights. Please complete IXL UNITS A2 and A3. I would be delighted if you completed A1 (only 7 children have completed this - time for catch up!).


The following countries lie within the Artic circle. Please make sure you learn them. I would also like you to find their flags! Using a ruler draw rectangles 10cm /6cm in your homework book and recreate (with colour) the flags. You must draw 3 ! There are 5 learning points for each flag you could earn up to 35 points for all 7!









Next week the spelling test will be the seven countries in the Artic!!! Use your homework book to practice them!