This week, we have really thought about what Jesus teaches us about living our lives. We looked together at some of Jesus’ teachings, especially the Beatitudes. Children listened to Jesus’ advice on how to be happy and how to make others happy. We are trying so hard to put this into practice in real life! Following Jesus is both a joy and a challenge.
In Geography this week, children have learned all about parts of a volcano and how they erupt. To understand this, we first needed to gain understanding about the layers of our earth. We did this by constructing the earth with Maltesers, icing and biscuit crumbs! We then wrote another explanatory text to explain this process- children were brilliant at marking each other’s work.
The children have been amazing in maths this week - we have moved onto the nines. Children love them because there are so many tricks and patterns to them!
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, Esther, Arthur and Ola received Sadie Spider certificates. All of you are becoming so hard-working and you are trying your very best in all you do. You listen carefully and work your socks off!
Well done!
Swimming stars this week were Ola, Isaac, Erin and Arthur. Super improvements and listening to advice - well done!
Music stars were Pippa and Faye for beautiful sounds!
PE stars were Isaac, Cora and Michael for excellent effort!
Learned and Wise butterflies
This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are learned in their actions, finding God in all things. Those who are wise, who use their learning for the common good. This week we thank Bella and Luke, for always offering to help others.
Also, Mrs Gregan gave out some special butterflies, when she had noticed children being learned and Wise.
Next Tuesday is online safety day. Please can children bring their orange screen time record cards on Monday.
the cost of this experience is £25 - payable on parentpay from Monday. There is an option to pay for half this month and half next month on parentpay. Please contact us if you have any problems with this and we will endeavor to help.
Judo classes - Friday 7:55am
Costumes for Shakespeare on Thursday 9th March
Please put in a plastic bag, labelled with child’s name.
Ariels will need black leggings (school will provide red t-shirts and red hair accesory for girls. We are hoping for face paint too. Please let me know if your child is allergic.)
All seagulls will need grey or white leggings (or grey and white) (school will provide white top, white cap and yellow accessories)
Scene setters black skins/thermals would be perfect for this.
Ferdinand - smart trousers or black skins. (We have the rest of the outfit sorted)
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Hennessy