Year 5 Weekly Blog 03.02.23- ' Being able to be your true self is one of the strongest components of good mental health'

There has been lots of fun-filled lessons this week. Starting off on Monday, we welcomed Mrs Gregan into our classroom, her first time seeing what life in Year 5 is like under her new role. She was full of praise for the children and was blown away by their focus, work ethic and teamwork.

On Tuesday, we celebrated mental health day with a whole class eco trip to Point Dune for the annual year 5 Christmas tree planting day. The children managed to bare the weather and put in a hard shift on a breezy, wet winter morning. I heard brilliant things from the teachers on the trip of the children’s’ behaviour and how they represented the school. Even so, I received a lovely email from Blackpool Transport to say thank you for how lovely the children were on the bus, which just filled us with joy.

In the afternoon, we took part in a wonderful yoga session which focused on breathing/stretching techniques and how we can calm our body and mind whenever we are feeling stressed. We finished the day with an art lesson, focusing on mindfulness and what makes you happy. The children created mood boards to resemble what makes them happy.

Let’s Celebrate

Matilda for being a co-operative learner: For showing your teachers that you are a trusting learner by being able to work alongside your friends whilst still producing high quality work. You have also been a wonderful learning partner in group activities.

Connor Sean for being a determined and enthusiastic learner: For showing such resilience throughout all of our lessons this week. You never give up if you are struggling and you always reach out for help, to make sure you get the most out of your learning.


Online Safety Day- Will take place on Tuesday. We will be discussing the importance of being safe online and look at ways to prevent ourselves coming into any harm/danger when online. Please can all parents share this message with children on how important online safety is and to keep an eye on your child’s online activity at home.

Half herm- Next week will be our last week until we finish for half term, finishing on Friday 10th February. School will finish at normal time on the Friday and we will be back in school on Monday 20th February.

Film Competition- Deadline for the competition is Monday 6th February. More information about this is available on last weeks blog and also Mrs. Gregan’s blog.