A lovely first week back! I was met with cheers from the children when I told them they would be having a week of Shakespeare in their English lessons. This time it is a political drama - ‘Julius Caesar,’ very different to ‘The Tempest.’ They have jumped into it with gusto and have understood the plot so well. There is a very special and creative homework challenge for them to do this week for The Grand and Royal Shakespeare company (in the homework section) Here is a video of our drama this week! There was a lot of murder and revenge!
Also this week, we have had Life Education for a visit. They did a session with Year 4 all about looking at their strengths and how ‘It’s great to be me.’ There is so much for children to be proud of in Year 4 - they are growing into such mature, reflective, kind people.
Speaking of greatness, in history this week, children have found out all about King Alfred’s achievements as an Anglo-Saxon king who protected England from the Vikings. However, they learned to look deeper as historians, to discover that what we know about him may be biased - he hired a Bishop who only wrote the good parts of his history. Maybe he was not as ‘great’ as everyone thinks!
In maths, we will be continuing our times tables practice but have now moved onto a new area of maths - co-ordinates. Then its onto Fractions next.
In RE this week, children have been learning about what happened after the Resurrection, when Jesus appeared to the disciples and made Peter his first pope. THey have also been planning their own worships which a group will deliver each week to lead the rest of the class in reflection
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, Jacob has received a focused and co-operative learner certificate for concentrating so hard and for always being a level-headed, respectful gentleman.
Ben B. has received a focused and co-operative certificate for excellent concentration in all subjects and being a kind, considerate friend to others.
Music stars: Cora and Roseanna
PE stars for excellent effort Rose and Jacob
Grateful and Generous butterflies
This week we thank Archie for always being generous with his help towards others.
EXCITING OPPORTUNITY FOR CHILDREN TO PERFORM! Children have been invited to perform some lines from Julius Caesar to the public. This will need to be just a small group from the class. You would bring them to the Grand theatre for 6pm. The children would receive 30 minutes training by RSC members and then spend the pre-performance in the foyer, performing to the people coming to watch the show! They would need to wear black clothing. The provisional date for this is Thursday 18th May at 6pm
Parents, you would need to purchase a ticket for you and a ticket for yourself to watch the show. Its is by the RSC and is the full adult show - two hours, twenty minutes with a twenty minute interval - starting at 7:30pm.
Please fill in the following form this weekend if you wish your child to have this opportunity and will commit to bringing them, then watching the show.
Hang fire before booking tickets though - as I can only randomly select up to 10 children. I will try to confirm with you on Monday evening Here is a link to the The Grand site to book:
I have suggested to the children, that in church on Sundays, they may like to stay in for the full mass, rather than going to the children’s liturgy. They are learning about the order of mass in Holy Communion sessions and it would help them to follow the mass, joining in with the responses and watching the different parts of the mass take place on the altar..
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Hennessey