It has been one of those weeks in Year 4 which makes us so proud! On Monday it was our sports day and children well and truly lived out teamwork in action. In fact in class this week, there has been so much co-operation and teamwork going on. From working together to understand improper and mixed fractions, to planning and creating class worships, to creating the Viking cosmos, all children are becoming so proficient at listening to one another, sharing ideas and planning out how to carry out their tasks together.
They composed in groups a piece of writing describing their Viking worlds they had created (see below) and I was bursting with pride at the sheer quality of what they produced! There is so much to show you this week that I have included a sports day video and a selection of photos of our teamwork in action
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, Ella has received a Bobby Bee - enthusiastic learner for her thirst for learning and excellent participation.
Archie has received a Cooper Crab- focused learner for giving his all and planning out how he will carry things out before he does them. Very sensible!
Intentional butterfly
This week we thank Niamh and Ben for noticing when people might need them.
St Bedes Trip - Monday 3rd July. Please can children bring a packed lunch unless they are school dinners - in which case Jackie will make them one. They need to be in full school uniform - or PE uniform if doing Athletics that morning.
Thursday 6th July: Year 4 Viking and Anglo-Saxon dress up day! Come to school dressed as a Viking, Saxon or a Viking god or goddess.
Monday 10th July: Parents are invited at 2pm into school to watch Year 4 and Year 5 Clarinet concert.
Friday 14th July. Parent occupations day. So far, we have 5 brave parents signed up to come and talk to the children about their jobs - thank you so much.
There is still time to sign up if anyone else wishes to do so. We will operate in small groups at a time. Children will be busy preparing questions to ask next week which I will email out to you to have a look before you come so you can feel prepared.
Clarinet lesson next week is not until Tuesday - but if you want to bring it Monday so that it is in and ready, that’s fine.
Long may the sunshine last! Enjoy your weekend,
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Hennessey