Year 3 weekly blog 30.6.23 - "Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up."

We kick-started our second week of health and happiness fortnight, with a brilliant sports day. The children’s team spirit was sky high, as was their enthusiasm and resilience. It was wonderful to watch them cheering each other on and clapping as loud as they could. Thank you for everyone who came to watch, it was wonderful sharing the event with you all.

In Maths we have continued our learning of time and have practised and practised and practised writing the time digitally. The children have learned about AM and PM too. Their perseverance with time has been outstanding! We have also been improving our confidence using a number line to help us to solve subtraction questions as it can be a really helpful tool, one which makes subtraction much easier!

In Geography have been learning about services in our local area. They located where services were on a map of St Anne’s and discussed what patterns they could see. They then designed their own town, carefully placing the services where they thought they should go.

We have moved on to learn how to create our own spreadsheets in Computing, which we thoroughly enjoyed! First, we gathered some data for our tables and bar charts. We chose a very pressing subject to collect our data on… our favourite ice-cream flavour! Once we had our data we then put this information onto a table, and then discovered how we can take this information and place it onto bar charts and pie charts! We are very much looking forward to building these skills further next week!


Josh - You have shown great resilience this week. You put your all into each and every event during sports day. We could not have been more proud! Not only have you shown this resilience outside during sports, we have also seen this inside the classroom too! You have been trying very hard to complete your work, build your independence and to have a go, trying your hardest. Keep up the great work!

Matilda - We continue to be so impressed by your wonderful effort each and every day! Each lesson you make sure that you give it your all, and we are always full of joy as we watch you tackle new challenges. You have also made such a kind and caring learning partner. Hearing you celebrate others fills us with such happiness! Never let go of these fabulous qualities Matilda, we know you won’t!


  • We’ve had some un-invited friends in our hair this week. Please can you check your child’s hair for head lice and if necessary treat and re-treat.