Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'The best is yet to come. The start of a New Year is the chance to rewrite your book.'

Welcome back…

Wishing you all a very happy new year. It has been so lovely to welcome the children back to school this week, despite the wind, rain and cold. The most important part of any school is the people within it. We have loved seeing the smiles and listening to all of the wonderful stories that the festive season has brought. Today we walked down to church to celebrate the feast of the Epiphany. It was an opportunity for the children to spend a few minutes in silence reflecting on what a miracle the baby Jesus was. Father Peter spoke about the gifts that the wise men brought and asked us all to reflect on how we use our gifts to make our world and community a better place.

The children have been thinking about what 2023 might look like for them. The children have all reflected on their year ahead and thought about their new year’s resolutions- what do they want to improve this year and what are they going to do to achieve this. They are all going to come across some monumental experiences and opportunities this year. Some of them will be challenging, some will be exciting, some they will be anxious about. Whatever happens, they know they have the skills to tackle it with great resilience and determination.

This half term, we are looking at what it means to be a Learned and Wise learner. Both of these qualities will be really important as we journey towards half term…

This week we have done lots of work on decimals in Maths, comparing, ordering and using counters to make these numbers. In English we are continuing our work on Biographies, and we all had a go at applying for a job at Pixar based on the knowledge we have gained on Walt Disney.

End of Year Assessment

This year, the SATs tests will take place the week beginning Tuesday 9th May (after the King’s Coronation). I have had a conversation with the children this week, discussing what our plan of action is, to best prepare them. They know that the pace of learning will ramp up this term as we try and get everything that we need to cover, completed. This is the first time that we have discussed them as I am a great believer that Year 6 is not just about the SATs. However, it would be unfair if the children did not prepare for the tests properly.

The children know that there is nothing to be worried about and they should not feel anxious about taking them, all they need to do, is their BEST as their best is ALWAYS good enough. Please do not run out and start buying SATs materials, I will provide everything that you need and these will be targeted to the children and their current learning.

If anybody does have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Judo Club

Today, we have had a demonstration for the judo club that will be taking place on a Friday morning at school. This club is a 5 week club. There is a cost for the club, but Mrs Gregan has agreed to pay half of the fees for each child meaning that the cost for each child will be £14 for the course instead of £28.

There is a limit to how many children can safely attend, however, we will be able to continue the club after half term for those children not able to take part this time. Please complete the form below if you would like your child to take part. We will let you know the groups for the club early next week and then set up a payment on Parent Pay to pay to attend.

Helpers in the mornings:

This week and for the first week back after Christmas we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

India Arthur Mason Holly


Monday morning- Athletics training in the ,morning for Year 6 resumes

Monday 9th afternoon- Girl’s football team needs to be collected from school 1:15pm for the reschedules tournament

Indoor Athletics Competition- Will take place on Tuesday 17th January at Stanley Park Sports Centre in Blackpool. If interested, please attend the athletic training sessions, which take place at 8am before school starts. The dates of these sessions are available on the sports timetable.

Some of the sports monitors have offered to help after school at the Reception sports club from 3:30-4:15pm. This will start next Tuesday with: Amber, Jacob M and Holly and the following week it will be: Kiefer, John Joseph and Saul. Please do let me know if your child is not able to help out on these evenings.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Nel, Miss Forster and Mrs Barker