This week...

It’s hard to believe that we are already approaching half term! Nursery will close for the holidays next Wednesday (18th) and reopen on Monday 30th October. This will give everyone time to recharge their batteries in readiness for a very busy run up to Christmas.

We are all so pleased with how all the children have settled into nursery life. They are making lots of new friendships and are growing their brains!

This week we have been learning about our skeletons and the major organs of the body. They children were amazed to discover that they had a skeleton hiding inside their bodies!

Throughout the week we watched a few short videos to help us understand what our skeleton and organs do.

Click here to watch What does your skeleton do?

Click here to watch Parts of the humans body

Click here to watch Major organs of the human body

Click here to watch Skeletons

We loved reading the Funny Bones stories which was great fun! Click here to listen to Funny Bones at home and here for Funny Bones: The Pet Shop

We also explored the skeletons of the human body and animals using x ray pictures. Haven’t we been busy. We will continue finding out about our bodies after the holiday. I can’t wait!

Emma’s Blog

Hello everyone 

What a fantastic brain growing week we have had.

We have found out that we all have a skeleton and that we have 206 bones in our body and if we didn't have our bones, we would all be jelly (not the sweet kind of course!). We danced to a song called 'The Skeleton Song' and worked out, using a large skeleton jigsaw, how our bones all connect together to make our body parts. Barbara and the children thought it would be really fun to attach the skeleton to me to show the children where the bones would be on my body. Everybody thought it was funny. 

Here is the song we have been singing: Click here

Keeping to our leaning thread about our body, we also looked into washing our hands and why its so important to keep the germs away. We watched and sang a song about washing you hands and talked about when and how we should do it.

We then became scientists and we did a little experiment using water, pepper and soap.

I pretended to cough and sneeze in to the water and then threw in some pepper to represent germs, so the children could imagine where the germs would go. Using the soap on my fingers in the water, the pepper (germs) moved away to the edge of the water which the children were shocked to see that the soap could do this. We had such good fun! 

Here is the washing hands song. Enjoy! Click here

Continuing from last week our Harvest learning thread and working our fine motor skills, the children have been using real hammers, hammering golf tees into a pumpkin. The children and myself risk assessed the use of hammers and wore safety glasses to help protect our eyes. They had fantastic control and grip when using the hammers. We then used the other end of the hammer, called the claw, to pull out the golf tees. We had made lots of holes in our pumpkin! The children wanted to see the seeds inside and we are planning to grow our own pumpkins next year, so watch this space. 

Lastly, a big thank you for bringing in your Autumn finds. We have really enjoyed seeing what you have all been collecting.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

See you all on Monday for our last 3 days before half term.


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone,

We have had another busy week of learning. This week we met Number Two and have been exploring how one plus another one is two. Our number writing is now coming along as we have been practising on the white board, The Number Two writing rhyme is ‘one curve down is what to do, then straight across to make a two’.

You may have noticed that your child is starting to write lots of numbers, this has certainly been a favourite activity this week. The other rhymes to help with writing are ‘round in a loop like an empty hoop’ for zero and ‘one line down like a stick makes a one, that was quick’. You may want to help your child to practice at home.

As well as meeting Number two we also met the first of our letter sounds. We have been learning to recognize and say the letter sound 'm'. Of course, we had to have a go at writing it on the interactive white board. When we explored our 'm' sound bag we found an imposter in there. We had to work out which object didn't begin with the same letter sound 'm' as all the rest. Then we all got the giggles as we explored what our names would be if they began with 'm'. Give it a try at home, good luck!

We have been learning about our skeletons and how they help us to move and protect our internal organs. We used the skeleton model to draw out own chalk pictures. Did you know we have 206 bones in our body? 

We also enjoyed our PE lessons this week, practising out throwing and dancing to Sticky Kids.

Our gardening club has kept us busy, sweeping the leaves and putting them in the compost bin. 

Our independence skills continue to develop as this week we have practiced putting our shoes and socks on. Some of us still need a little help with this so it would be very helpful if you could practice this at home too.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and we will see you next week.


Meet Number Two

Click here to meet Number Two

Purple Mash

Remember to check if there are any activities waiting for you to do! I have pinned some topics to explore and your child’s key person will have set some learning for over the half term holiday. We hope you enjoy them.


This week we discussed similarities and differences, helping children consider what likes and dislikes they have in common. The children also participated in a story in which Mollie the Cat feels bad because she doesn’t like catching mice, but comes to a place of self-acceptance with the help of her friends. Click on the button to read the slides at home


On Thursday the children celebrated Harvest with Reception. We said ‘thank you’ for our wonderful earth and that we can grow foods to eat. If you check the school blog on the main page I’m sure Mrs. Gregan will be posting some pictures.

A big thank you to everyone for the tins of bean that you kindly sent in. We counted them and we had a whopping 47 tins!

If you want to find our more about Harvest, click here to watch ‘Harvest down on the Farm’ and here to learn about Harvesting machines.

The Crocodile Snap.

Why not have a go at the Crocodile snap to help with pencil hold! Click here

Lastly, this will be the last blog for the half term, please do have a rest and enjoy spending time with your loved ones.

Keep safe and look after each other.

God Bless
