Year 5 Weekly Blog 13.10.23- ' Kindness is giving hope to people who think they are alone'

Our final full week of our first half term and yet the children are still working hard- making sure that their work is still of a top quality from previous weeks. I have been very proud of the children as I have been away on the Year 6 residential, in which I came back to a lovely note on my desk from the supply teacher saying “Thank you for letting me borrow your wonderful class whilst you have been away. They have been amazing and yes we did finish all of the English planning”- Mrs Holmes

In English, we have finished our planning of our narrative- based on The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe- and have begun to write our story. The children have been itching to get going with this and have been able to apply their planning and ideas brilliantly into their own writing.

In Maths, we have come to the end of our place value topic by finishing off with Roman numerals. The children have loved learning about these as it is seen as a ‘secret coded language’. We have been learning numbers up to 1,000 and have been using lolly sticks to display these numbers.

In RHE, we have been focusing on the importance of kindness and how we should always aim to show this- no matter the situation. We have been sharing what our gifts and talents are and how we recognise gifts and talents in others.

With the weather now turning, lots of our school days are filled with downpour and this fell on our outdoor PE lesson. Therefore, we devised an indoor plan of using different parts of the school to host different activities. We had groups of children inside the classroom, getting their heart raising with some ‘Just Dance’. We had a group of children in the Year 6 spare classroom for a mini tournament of table tennis and focusing on building rallies. Then we also had a group of children outside who completed the daily mile.

Let’s Celebrate

Niamh for being a focused learner: You could win this award for this chosen learning quality every week Niamh. To have a different and unknown teacher for half of the week and to still be so focused in every lesson is a credit to your character and what type of person you are. You treat everyone with such respect and you go everything a go.

Dominic for being a brave learner: I know how you have been so eager to play football again and for you to play in the school football team this week was a brave act and it made me very proud. You were patient when you could/couldn’t play and a huge congratulations for getting an assist in your debut (setting up your brother as well).

Ola for being an active learner: You are always so active in making the right choices. You never put a foot out of line and are always so focused and present within the classroom.


  • Parents Day- Will be on Friday 20th October. If you haven’t done already, then please book a slot with myself. The link to do this will be on Mrs Gregan’s blog.

  • Half-Term- School will close for half term on Wednesday 18th October at normal time. School will then reopen on Monday 30th October.

  • Homework- Is up on the homework blog. Please bring in on Tuesday 17th October.