Year 2 Weekly Homework to be handed in on Monday 9th October

Thank you for all the photographs showing the children exploring waterproof items at home! One parent and child tested a dressing gown and it definitely wasn’t waterproof!


Daily reading at home is always are first priority. In Year 1 and Year 2 we really focus on fluency, reading with growing confidence. This really comes when we practice everyday. In class we are supporting children as they quiz. We aim to ensure all the children are able to quiz independantly as the year progresses.


We complete daily “mastering number” sessions, these are only 10 minutes but use models and images to help us remember number facts. This week we are revisiting even numbers and how they are made form doubles. Please complete units F1, F2 and F3 on IXL


Tricky “red words” these contain a sound with an odd spelling. We can think of them as red words because we need to stop and think about the odd part of the word before we write it. I have popped these red words into their homework books for you to practice at home. We will do a spelling quizz next Monday


In class we have reflected on our waterproof experiments. Using what we now know about waterproof materials we have designed and built a boat. To make it even more challenging Mrs Hotchkiss asked use to think about our designs so that the boat would hold a banana! Can you make a boat at home? Can you take your even learning further:

Can you make it out of more than one material?

Can your boat carry two pieces of fruit?

Can you fix a sail to your boat? what materials will the sail be made form?