A fabulous week! We have had a ‘Super Sorting’ table where we organised small objects by colour and then categorised them further according to fruits, dinosaurs, transport, and animals. It was really tricky, but we did it!!
We have also been practising writing our ‘sounds’ using magic writing sticks and coloured sand. We are getting very good. Thank you for your support at home.
We have had lovely feed back from the children who have already had a turn of taking the travelling Nativity home. The photos are wonderful, the true meaning of Christmas. Take a look at some of the photos
This week we have had problems with our camera’s so all the key person pictures are all together! Sorry!
Emma’s Blog
We have had a fabulous week of fun and lots of learning.
If you hear your child singing songs about baby Jesus, an Angel or a star, yes you've guessed it, we have been very busy learning our Nativity songs. The children are really enjoying singing them!
Everyone has been working so hard this week. We have been mark making the lsounds hat we have been learning in the sand using sticks or our fingers, saying the sounds as we arite them. It is nice to see how the children are using their duck fingers to mark make. Saying the rhymes really helps us to form their sounds.
We also met some new sounds and letters this week; p, i, o, g and n. We have been practicing forming the sounds on the Touch Screen, fabulous work!
We have continued our learning thread; listening. We have played a listening animal game which will help the children with their concentration and listening skills.
Here is the link to play the game. Click here
We have also been Cooper Crabs in our PE class. We had to follow instructions about how to use our bean bags and ribbons. There were some really tricky moves, the children worked so hard (including Barbara and I).
On Monday the children had lots of fun in Mr. Nay's PE lesson. Not only were we practicing our hopping, jumping and running skills, we were working against the really strong winds! Whilst doing this, the wind blew Mr Nay's cones all over the playground. The children were so kind and enjoyed picking them up for him. I think he was pleased too.
Lastly we have met Number 4 this week. We worked out that we could use 2 fingers on each hand, put them together and make 4. The children have been learning to write the number 4 on a long length of paper on the floor. When doing this we were saying our rhyme, 'down and right, off once more, cross the line and that's a 4.'
Look out on Purple Mash as I have set the children some work to practice their numbers and sounds at home. I can't wait to see the work they have done.
Have a lovely weekend everyone and see you all on Monday.
Michelle’s Blog
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's blog.
This week we have continued to practise our writing skills by writing on lots of different surfaces. We used sticks in the coloured sand, we used the pen on the Touch Screen, we used felt pens on the white board and we used pencils on really long lengths of paper on the floor. We made sure we used our 'duck fingers' as we practised writing the sounds we have been learning. We have learnt some new letter sounds this week- i, o, p, g and n. We did have fun this week as we experimented with sounds as we imagined what our names would be if they began with a 'd'. It gave us the giggles!
We have also met Numberblock number 4 this week as we begin to understand that 4 can be made in a couple of different ways.
Practice for Nativity is going really well. Don't forget to return the form with your request for tickets so you can see our fantastic songs we have been learning.
It was lovely to see so many of you at Curriculum Evening as we explained a little about why nursery is so crucial in becoming a confident learner. Independence is so important.
Here is a little quiz for you: How well does your child score?
My child can…….
Get dressed by themselves. Think about fastenings on clothing, for example dungarees are tricky.
Put on shoes and socks. Again choose shoes which are easier to put on.
Wipe and blow their nose and throw the tissue away afterwards.
Peel and eat whole fruits (not water melons!).
Use a knife and fork to eat.
Recognise their own name when written down.
Put on and take off their coat, and hang it up.
Do up their zip- again a bit tricky but keep going.
Tidy up after playing.
Go to the toilet independently and wash hands afterwards.
7+ Fantastic!!!!
4-6 Well on their way to being more independent
0-3 More practice will help your child become more independent
Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.
Meet Number 4!
Four is the new block on the block and he can’t wait to share how much he loves to be square. Click here to watch.
We are:
learning that 4 is one more than 3
counting to 4
the structure of 4 as a square number
recognising if 4 items without counting (subitising)
Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next weekend
Sounds (n,i,p,i,g,o)
It’s Geraldine Giraffe time!
n - Click here
o - Click here
p - Click here
i - Click here
g - Click here
Use your sound at to have a go at writing the sounds. Be a Tommy Turtle and ‘have a go’!
Christmas Nativity Reminder
This year the Foundation Stage Nativity is as follows.
Dress rehearsal for the whole school 5th December. If you would like your child to be on the DVD you MUST attend this performance.
Parents performances will be on the 6th and 7th December. These are a ticket only events, with an allocation of 4 tickets per family over the two performances. Letters to purchase your tickets have gone out this week…check your child’s bag.
All children should be in nursery no later than 8.45 am on each performance day. If it is not your childs usual session could you please collect them promptly at the end of the play (at the nursery gate).
If your child requires a costume for their part in the play you will have received an email from the office this week, otherwise you can assume that there is an outfit available here.
We will need all additional costumes in as soon as possible please. If you are struggling to find any item just drop me an email.
If I can just mention two small things; after many decades of Nativity experience I find that sometimes three performances are a big ask for nursery children. It may be an idea to attend the dress rehearsal and one other performance (if possible, I understand that it will not be possible for all our children). Also another top tip, it is wise to sit where you can see your child but they cannot see you, as this often unsettle them and then they will not take part.
Don’t forget to return your ticket request form and money a.s.a.p.
PJ Day
Thank you for joining in PJ Day in support of Brian House are our local children’s hospice. Your donations are gratefully received.
Smile everyone and shout ‘silly sausages’!
Lastly, a big thank you everyone who managed to make it to Curriculum Evening on Thursday. It is always to lovely to see our families get involved.
Have the most wonderful weekend. I believe it’s the Christmas lights switch on in Lytham on Saturday! I will keep a look out for you!
Keep safe and God Bless