Year 5 Weekly Blog 15.12.23- ' Music is all around us, all we have to do is listen’

Our last full week of 2023 has come to an end and yet it has still been filled with lots of learning opportunities. The focus of the week has been our KS2 nativity practice which has taken place at church- where we have been practicing our songs for the Christmas concert. With the concert taking place this Monday- it is important that we have one final practice over the weekend so we are super confident with all of our songs.

In Maths, we have continued with our money topic and have been looking at tackling real life money problems such as working out change and shopping scenarios. With Mrs Gregan, the children have been linking their angles work to properties of shapes and making connections about what they know about different polygons.

We finished our Geography unit of rivers by learning about erosion and how this takes place in a river. We looked at the four different types of erosion and used sugar cubes and a spatula to show how this happens.

In Science, we have continued with our forces topic- with each week focusing on a different force and how it is seen in everyday life. This week, our focus was water resistance and we looked at how professional swimmers use streamlining to allow them to travel faster through the water (reduce the effects of water resistance). For our experiment, we created different shapes out of playdough and dropped them into some water to test how long it would take to reach the bottom.

Let’s Celebrate

  • Gabriella for being a determined learner: This week you have been trying really hard in your times tables practice and have been so focused in getting through as much work as you can. You have developed strategies to help improve on particular tables that are harder than others (‘Use what you know to work out what you don’t know’). Brilliant work!

  • Elsie for being a reflective learner: Your focus and drive to succeed is what helps you make so much progress in your learning Elsie. Your attitude to responding to feedback is excellent and you love to challenge yourself- no matter the task at at hand. Excellent work!

  • Sophia for being a faith-filled and hopeful learner: You have been seen countless times helping other children when they have hurt themselves and are always the first to comfort them- regardless of how close of a friend they are to you. You will always choose to spend your own break time to help others rather than to play if they are in need.

  • Niamh for being a faith-filled and hopeful learner: You are such as calm and loving member of our class and you have been seen showing this out on the playground to help calm others who are in distress. You never make a big fuss about it- you just help people because it is the kind and loving thing to do. Thank you Niamh!


  • Monday 18th December- Christmas Concert at Church. This will be performed twice, the first performance at 2pm and the later one at 6pm. Children need to arrive at Church at 5:45pm in their full school uniform.

  • Tuesday 19th December- KS2 Christmas Party Day. Children will be partying in the morning followed by a film in the afternoon. Children can come into school in their own clothes. Please make sure that they are wearing appropiate shoes. They can bring in one small fizzy drink and a small party snack (small bag of chocolate or crisps). The children will be intaking lots of sugar so it is vital that they still bring their water bottle in and are drinking plenty of healthy fluids.

  • Wednesday 20th December- Christmas Dinner. These will be the hot dinner options for this day, with choice 2 being a vegetarian Christmas dinner.

  • Thursday 21st December- School will close at 2pm for the Christmas break.