Year 5 Weekly Blog 8.12.23- ' The true spirit of Christmas lies within your heart'

As we complete our first full week of December, the Christmas spirits have well and truly been present throughout school. On Tuesday morning, the story of our nativity began with our youngest children- who portrayed the story so beautifully. This story will then continue to travel with KS1 next week and then KS2 in Church. Speaking of which, our preparations for our Christmas concert have gone up a notch- with us having our first practice session in church this week.

We finished our week with the much anticipated ‘Our Lady’s Bake Off’. Families across the school have put their baking skills to the test to create some festive bakes. The children were so proud to show off their hard working creations and loved the judging element of the competition (us teachers certainly did). We combined this with a belated Christmas jumper day just to make the day even more festive and exciting for all of the children.

We have used our hetic schedule this week to squeeze in lots of our geography unit of rivers. The children love a no book lesson so we got practical with some chalk to plot the course of a river by separating it into its three courses. We have also been looking at how a waterfall is formed and researching some of the most known waterfalls in the UK/world.

In Maths, the children have been continuing with their angles topic with Mrs Gregan whilst also practicing lots of retrieval with our multiplication and division. This will pay off in abundance after Christmas when we start our multiplication and division topic.

In English, we have come to the end of our legends topic as the children have finished re-writing their own version of the ‘Legend of Gelert’. I have been blown away by the children’s creative thinking and description and how they have put this together as a full story.

Let’s Celebrate

  • Arthur for being a reflective learner: This half term you have really taken control over your decision making. You understand when you have made a wrong choice and you have really reflected on how to make the right choices. The shift in your behaviour has been amazing to see. Keep this up!

  • Esther for being a creative learner: Your creative thinking and your story writing has really blown me away this half term. This is been seen particularly this week when writing our own legends stories and the description you create through your writing has been amazing.

  • Benjamin for being a hopeful and faith-filled learner: You have been a really considerable and careful learning partner this week. To show such patience and care to help your partner is a real sign of maturity and growing up. This was delightful for us teachers to see.


  • Cold Weather- We will be taking regular trips to church to practice our concert so can all children have appropriate clothing such as a big coat, hat and gloves.

  • Christmas Concert- Will take place on Monday 18th December. This will take place at church and the children will be performing the concert twice (2pm and 6pm).

  • End of Term- School will close for Christmas on Thursday 21st December at 2pm.

  • Christmas Dinner- This will be the options for school dinners on Wednesday 20th December. There will be a vegetarian Christmas dinner option for choice 2.