Year 6 Weekly Blog ‘A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all other virtues’ Cicero

Welcome back to the second half of the spring term. There is no doubt that it is going to be a busy term with lots and lots going on. I am really excited that we will end the term with an Easter assembly. It will be a lovely way to bring our class family: parents and children together.

This half term, we are focusing on the virtues of being grateful and generous. There is so much to be grateful for, we just need to open our eyes and see. I am especially grateful for all of your wonderful children and how hard they are all working. Keep supporting them at home with their daily reading, completion of homework and of course attendance, it is such a crucial time, that we can not miss any learning opportunity!

Turning to the Cross

This week, we celebrated Ash Wednesday in school, marking the start of Lent. Father Peter joined us in the hall leading the whole school in prayer and refection, with the help of our head boy and girl who read the Gospel. For our almsgiving this year, we have decided to raise money for CAFOD, and support their walk against hunger campaign. Each year group has decided on HOW they would like to raise money- Year 6 has decided they would like to hold a cake sale. Next week will decide when these sales will take place, but just for forward planning- your help may be required! Alongside this, we also have now exchanged our Lenten boxes with Reception, ready to collect money for Cafod during Lent. It was so clear how much effort all the children had put in to when creating their boxes and they loved getting together again to give it to their partner.

What have we been learning this week?

I am not sure that we have drawn breath this week - it has been full on, fast paced and thoroughly exciting.

  • English - Romeo and Juliet has continued to be the central point to our English unit. We have moved onto the most iconic scene - The Balcony Scene. The children were tasked with writing in role as Juliet. To really understand her emotions and to use Shakespeare’s language within their work. I was blown away! I cannot wait to share their work with you just after half term. Our grammar focus has been active and passive voice, as well as colons and semi-colons. The children have been experimenting with them and using them within their diary entries.

  • Maths - I am incredibly proud of the work that we have done this week on fractions- we have been comparing, ordering, adding and subtracting- it’s has all been going on. This is a tricky concept that the children have grabbed with both hands. Next stop…percentages!

  • RE - With Ash Wednesday taking place next week, the children have reflected on what Lent is and why we either give something up or do something extra.

Being an active and curious learner.

I am sure the children have come home to tell you that this week we sat our first mock SAT’ paper. We have really played these assessments down this year, focusing on the children’s learning, development and any gaps they have, rather than teaching them how to take a test. Year 6 knew the day before that they were going to complete this, as I didn’t want to give them too much time to dwell, however, they came in to school yesterday with great resilience and such a positive attitude. It is often really hard plunging into the unknown, but that is exactly what the children have done. Next week, we will continue to complete the Maths and Grammar, but they all understand the importance of this and I am sure lots of lessons will be learnt which will enable us to build and move forward together as a class. Once they have completed these assessment, they will of course be marked and handed back to them where they will be encouraged to think about their progress and where they want to be next time they take a set of papers. Marginal gains is what it is all about. Over the next few weeks, the children will be bringing folders home, with their papers in them. This is their opportunity to share their work with you, to purple pen, celebrate their successes and reflect on their mistakes. At this point, it is really important to remember that the Year 6 curriculum has not been fully covered yet and we still have plenty of time. Please celebrate your child’s achievements and help them to develop their own targets. You may also find, over the next few weeks, past papers or SAT examples may come home as part of their homework. This can be completed the best way you see fit- whether this is alongside your child, independently or even, if they independently start and then go over their answers after. Homework is not always about assessing your child, this is done in class, homework is all about consolidating what they have learnt in class, revising and practicing skills they will need.

Leading Learners

Well done to Hollie-Rose and Evie this week.

Hollie-Rose we are so proud of your attitude towards your learning and your drive to succeed. In everything you do, you are trying your best, reflecting on mistakes you make and being an pro-active, independent learner, striving to improve every time! This is why you have made such great progress!

Evie, you are so focused during lessons, managing your distractions and getting lost in each task. Your work always reflects your capabilities, but also your creativity, and we love the way you never stop at what is expected from you, you always challenge yourself to take your learning to the next step!

Grateful and Generous butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are grateful for their own gifts, the gifts of others and the blessings of each day. We will also be spotting children who are generous, who use their gifts to help others. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Kiefer for always being generous with his own gifts to help others.

Helpers in the morning

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Jacob O Christian Jessica Evie


  • WORLD BOOK DAY - Thursday 2nd March. The children need to come to school in their WORLD BOOK DAY costumes!

  • Parents’ Evening - Please make sure that you have booked an appointment via Mrs Gregan’s blog.

  • Don’t forget to come to our Book Look afternoon on Wednesday 8th March 2:30pm

  • Water Parks meeting is on Thursday 16th March 4pm.

Have a lovely weekend. The sun looks like it will be shining.

I will see you on Monday.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Nel, Mrs Barker and Miss Forster