This week...

Welcome back everyone, I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable half term.

A very busy week at nursery and also a different sort of week. We have started to walk in the footsteps of Jesus as part of our Lenten promises.

Each day we have been trying to be Disciples of Jesus in all we say and do. We have been mindful of all our actions and how they can impact on others. The children have embraced this difficult challenge at nursery, I hope they are at home too!

During Lent we are asking the children to continue their acts of kindness and to keep their promises so that we can collect lots of money for Cafod.

On Tuesday we had our last big treat until Easter Day by eating yummy pancakes, mmmmmmm they were delicious! Click here to listen to the story of Mr. Wolf’s Pancakes.

On Wednesday we were invited into Ash Wednesday Mass with KS1 and Father Peter.

On Friday we swapped all the lovely Lenten boxes the children had made with our paired class (Yr 3). A big thank you to everyone for getting involved. You too are becoming Disciples.

As donations have started to come in we have started our ‘totaliser’. We have a special counting machine that the children are fascinated with!

Colette’s blog

Welcome back everyone!

I hope you all managed to have a lovely half term with your families?

 It has been so wonderful seeing the children return after their rest and ready to learn.

On Monday we were able to enjoy using the apparatus in our Hall P.E. time. There were some wonderful displays of balancing, hopping and jumping. We continued to practise our skills out in the garden by making our own obstacle courses…. we are definitely getting better and better.

On Wednesday the children went in to the hall with Reception as Fr. Peter came to visit us. We talked about Lent and its meaning and we received our ashes on our foreheads. Back in Nursery we discussed why we are going to be collecting money for those less fortunate than ourselves. This year we will be collecting for CAFOD.

Thank you so much for all the wonderful Lenten boxes, the children are so excited to swap them with our Year 3 class.

Have a lovely weekend together.


Michelle’s blog

Welcome back everyone, hope you all had a restful half-term. The learning continues this week as we have learnt about Lent. We tasted pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and had  mass with Father Peter on Ash Wednesday. We are hoping to be more like Jesus by being kind, helpful and generous as part of our Lenten promise. We have also made Lenten boxes that we will be gifting to our friends in Year 3.

We have had a bit of a recap of the letter sounds we have learnt so far before we learn another group of 5 next week. This week we have been practising our writing by using our ‘duck fingers’. This gives us a better grip to form the letter correctly. A little bit more about pencil grip here.

Here are some activities to develop pencil grip. Click here.

We have also been keeping a close eye on the plants and flowers in the garden, there are lots of green shoots and flowers appearing. We cant wait for Spring to arrive so we can get busy growing our plants.

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.


Steph’s blog

Hello everyone

What a lovely week we have had enjoying the sunshine in the garden. We have practised our throwing and catching skills and made a den to hide in. We were also able to practise our problem-solving skills when a toy ended up through the fence. We worked together to get it back, using a stick and eventually a broom to hook it back. What a great team!

We began the week making our ‘Lenten promise’. We all decided how we could behave during lent to help others and be more like Jesus. Lots of the children promised to help their grownups at home – if they do they can have a smiley face stamp on our sheet when they come into nursery! We have been very helpful and kind in Nursery.

We were so lucky to join the big children in the hall when Father Peter came to see us on Ash Wednesday. We sat so nicely while he told us about Lent and Easter, and showed each other the ashes on our head when we got back to class. We also enjoyed some yummy pancakes on Tuesday!

Have a lovely weekend and I’ll see you on Monday.


and our usual few extras for Justine…

Purple Mash

Don’t forget to keep checking Purple Mash. I have pinned more learning in the virtual classroom and set some activities to do at home. I hope you enjoy them.

Walking with Jesus around the field

Another part of our Lenten Almsgiving is going to be our sponsored walk around the field. Week commencing 13th March before our learning begins we will endeavour to walk three times around the school field! We may need a lie down afterwards.

This week we are sending home the children’s sponsor forms. We are hopeful that friends and family may want to contribute. All proceeds this year will be going to Cafod.

Join us during Lent help to ensure no one is beyond reach of the love and care they need.

Give today to help us reach people who are still in need of help.

Pray for our brothers and sisters living in poverty.

Book Week

Next week will be Book Week at nursery. The actual date for World Book Day is on Thursday so children are invited to come to nursery dressed a book character. I am aware that not all our children will not be in on Thursday so if you would like to choose another day for your child to dress up, please do.

Can I ask when you are choosing a outfit that you are mindful about being able to go to the toilet independently (no onesies if possible). Also, as we are dedicating a whole week to books and story telling, if your child would like to bring in their favourite book from home that would be great! Please make sure they are named.

Click on the button below for top tips for sharing stories together.

Beach School/Library

As the weather is now becoming ‘Springlike’ we will be starting our regular trips to the beach and storytime at the library.

If you click on the button below you will find our beach school information booklet.

Lastly, I hope everyone manages to get our in the sunshine this week and just enjoy being together with loved ones.

God Bless and I will see you all on Monday.
