Year 2 Weekly Blog 24th February - "As Lent is the time for greater love, listen to Jesus' thirst… Repent and believe." – St. Mother Teresa

"As Lent is the time for greater love, listen to Jesus' thirst… Repent and believe." – St. Mother Teresa

We’ve had a fantastic first week back in Year 2, the children have enjoyed spotting signs of spring around school - look out for the crocus and daffodils in the school garden.

It was lovely to see all the children’s Lenten boxes that had been made at home over half term, thank you for your help with these. The boxes have ben swapped with the children’s Year 4 buddies, there were so many happy faces and smiles.

In English we’ve started to read Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown. The children thought about the advantages and disadvantages of being flat, I was impressed with their ideas and creativity. We’ve made our own Flat Stanleys, they will be coming home with the children next week ready for some adventures. On Friday we became detectives - the children told what they knew about Flat Stanley and I challenged them to show me how they knew with evidence from the book.

Our maths brains have really worked hard this week, thinking about 2 digit numbers and the value of each digit. We’ve been practising using dienes to represent 2 digit numbers, as well as drawing them on our whiteboards. We’re continuing to practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.

On Wednesday, Father Peter visited school for our Lent Mass. It was a beautiful mass and Father Peter was really impressed with how knowledgeable our children were.
In RE, we have made a paper chain with our Lent promises to show our commitment to keeping our promises and not breaking the chain.

Next Tuesday, we will be visiting St.Annes library. Thank you to those who have returned the memberships form. The children are really excited, please ensure they come to school with a suitable coat, its looking like it will be a dry day but its still quite cold.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!


You are a reading superstar. You are spending lots of time practising your reading at home, at school and at word wizards and its really paying off.

You are taking your time reading the questions when you quiz and have had some super results this week.

Keep it up!


You are really focusing in your work at the moment and being able to manage your distractions. We love how much fun you have when you are learning and with your friends.

Your sense of humour is wonderful!

Book Look

On Tuesday morning you are invited into school for our Year 2 book look. The children will have the opportunity to show you their books and their learning. It will be held in the school hall 9-9.30am.


Our PE days are now Monday and Wednesday - sorry for the confusion this week.
Book Look - Tuesday 28th 9-9.30am
World Book Day - Thursday 2nd March

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher