A super first week back, as we enter our second half of Year 4. This week, we have reflected in our worships about creating in ourselves a pure heart this Lent. We have thought each day about Jesus’ heart and how we can follow Him to have loving, grateful, pure, joyful and generous hearts. This linked beautifully with our first meeting yesterday to prepare for first Reconciliation. We thought about making good choices which spread like ripples and help other to make good choices too.
In RHE this week, we learned an important lesson - that being thankful is a SUPERPOWER! It can help us when we feel overwhelmed with any emotion. When we feel we are going to react unwisely, we can redirect this feeling to one of thankfulness about the person we are going to upset or thankfulness for something else around us.
On Monday, we had a visit from the producer of the Shakespeare festival and he gave our little scene a big thumbs up. We are definitely in for a treat - the children have done so well!
Wednesday saw us having a special Ash Wednesday service led by Father Peter in church.
In other news this week, we have started to write our own, rather creepy fairy tales and have had a great crack at the 7x table. We have learned about tectonic plates and earthquakes in Geography. We are getting good in French at matching the correct form of adjectives to the masculine, feminine or plural noun! What a lot in one week!
Here are some children reading out their excellent writing - full of pride!
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, Rafe, Rose and Roseanna all received double whammy Roger Robin/Lizzie Ladybird certificates. All three of you are striving to improve, listening so carefully and acting on feedback. You are also such friendly and kind children. Well done!
Swimming stars this week were Liam and Ola for supporting and complimenting others.
French stars was Cora for super learning!
Learned and Wise butterflies
This week we thank Luke for standing up to injustice and Ola and Niamh for being generous and wise on the playground.
Thursday 2nd March - World Book Day - dress up as your favourite book character - remember it is also our swimming day, so it will need to be practical. Also we are having a ‘book amnesty’ next week! Please have a look for any reading books from school and bring them in so they can go back in our library.
Tuesday 7th March - Book look and coffee morning - to look with your child at their books and see all the work they are proud of. 9am
Thursday 9th March - Shakespeare Playmaking Festival at the Grand theatre. Please make sure you have filled in the Pick ups form online which is below this blog and all costumes are in.
Judo on Friday mornings for next Year 4 Judo group after half term. Please check sports section
Costumes for Shakespeare on Thursday 9th March - please begin to bring in
Please put in a plastic bag, labelled with child’s name.
Ariels will need black leggings (school will provide red t-shirts and red hair accesory for girls. We are hoping for face paint too. Please let me know if your child is allergic.)
All seagulls will need grey or white leggings (or grey and white) (school will provide white top, white cap and yellow accessories)
Scene setters black skins/thermals would be perfect for this.
Have a lovely Spring weekend!
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Hennessy