Year 5 Weekly Blog 24.02.23 ' Lent is about becoming, doing and changing'

Our first week back of a new half term and yet again is has been action packed. This week marked the start of Lent and we celebrated this with our Ash Wednesday mass, which was led by Father Peter. The children also used our class worship as time to reflect, as we made our Lenten promises. The children also exchanged their Lenten boxes with their chosen Year 1 partners. All members of staff have been blown away by the amount of time and effort that has gone into making these boxes!

In English, we began our sci-fi story writing as the children have been re-writing the story ‘The Morning an Alien Came to Visit’, focusing on description and expanding vocabulary.

In Maths, we have begun our multiplication unit, starting with multiplying multiples of 10, 100 and 1000. We have then focused on using short and long multiplication methods to work out calculations of multiplying two digit numbers.

In PE, we have finished our outside unit of hockey by applying our passing, control, dribbling and shooting skills into games in a hockey tournament. We have picked up our gymnastic unit from Autumn 1 but have been applying our skills to apparatus. It’s fair to say the children enjoyed the lesson very much.


Finally, we need to make you aware that staff have supported the whole class in regards to behaviours that have made some children in Year 5 experience “yucky feelings”. We have written this letter to explain the behaviours we have investigated and how we have supported the class in response to what the children have shared with us.

Let’s Celebrate

Edi and Tabby for being co-operative and focused learners: Your ability to stay focused on each task we do, regardless of the subject or teacher, is really paying off as you are improving everyday. You are both wonderful learning partners, in which everyone is happy to work alongside you.


  • World Book Day- Is on Thursday 2nd March. Children can come into school in costumes, dressed as a character from a book.

  • Book Look- Will be on Monday 6th March at 9:00am. This is an opportunity for children to share some of their work they have done this year with parents. All parents are welcome to join.

  • Parents Evening- Will be on 15th March and 22nd March. Please book online for your time slot.

  • School trip to Liverpool- Our next school trip will be on Thursday 30th March to Liverpool. Please check the blog for more information regarding the trip on the Year 5 trip blog.