Year 5 Homework to be handed in Thursday 2nd March


As we have started a new half term, the children’s reading targets have been reset so children can start earning points towards their new targets now and shoot up our solar system.


This week, we have been looking at words containing double letters. The first 6 words are the new words we have looked at this week. The last 6 words are other double letter words that we have covered this year.

  1. immediately

  2. suggest

  3. marvellous

  4. necessary

  5. programme

  6. recommend

  7. according

  8. aggressive

  9. appreciate

  10. attached

  11. accommodate

  12. accompany

Mrs Mather’s group

  1. another

  2. around

  3. before

  4. after

  5. each

  6. every


Their weekly sheet has been stuck in their homework books for them to complete.


To the amazement of the Year 5 staff, majority of the children were unaware of the show ‘Countdown’, in which we have played this week to activate the children’s quick thinking skills . The game also gave us a chance to expand their vocabulary. Your task is to watch one episode of Countdown and play. This could be an opportunity for parents to play alongside the children. The children can write down their games in their homework book and we can share our answers next week.