Year 2 Weekly Blog 3rd March - 'A book is a dream you hold in your hands'

In English we have been looking at book called Journey by Aaron Becker, it is a wordless book with beautiful illustrations. It tells the story of a little girl with a magic red marker, she uses the marker to draw objects to help on her adventures. The little girls first drawing is of a door - before revealing what was behind the door the children used their imaginations to draw what they would like to find behind a magic door.

As the week progressed we worked our way through the beautiful illustrations thinking about what the girl could hear, see, smell, touch and taste in each place she visited. On Friday, we used all the information and ideas we had gathered to write some fantastic descriptive sentences.

In Maths we’ve been practicing our 2 times tables - we’re getting quite good at them now. We’ve also been looking at one more and one less that numbers ending in 0. We’ll be continuing to look at adding 2 digit numbers next week.

On Thursday, Joseph, Louisa and Scarlett led our class worship in the school chapel. It was the first time I had visited the chapel with the class, it was a beautiful experience and something we will be doing each week going forward.

In music, we have been learning to sing Zootime by Joanna Mangona. This week we added xylophones and I was really impressed with how the children keep in time. See what you think.

On Tuesday we visited St Anne’s Library. Ruth, the librarian was very helpful and told us about all the upcoming events at the library including Lego Club on a Saturday afternoon - further information can be found on the library website here.
All children who completed memberships forms, who weren’t already library members, have been issued with membership cards. Ruth showed us where we could find the books we could borrow and told us how log we could borrow them for.
We listened to a silly story about pirates, there were parts for us to join in - even the adults!
We’re planning on visiting the library again next half term.

World Book Day - wow! Our classroom was filled with fantastic fairytale and book characters. We watched and listened to authors online sharing snippets of their books including Tom Fletcher, Sophie Dahl and David Walliams. We ended our World Book Day by spending some time with our buddy class - Year 4. The children enjoyed reading to their buddies and sharing their favourite books.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to our certificate winners this week!


Your enthusiasm in maths is infectious. You are fully involved in lessons and are keeping up with the learning. You work well with your learning partners and give encouragement to those around you. Well Done!

Mia Grace

Mia Grace is really enjoying our maths lessons, she’s always ready to learn and takes a full and enthusiastic part in our learning. Her confidence is improving and I can see she’s trying really hard to learn her times tables.

Our PE days are now Monday and Wednesday
Parent’s Evening (online) Wednesday 15th March and Wednesday 22rd March, from 2.00pm-5.30pm - book here

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Marham, Mrs Maano and Mrs Carragher