Year 5 trip to Liverpool Thursday 30th March 2023

We will be going to the World Museum, in Liverpool, on Thursday 30th March for a space exhibition 'Capcom Go: Race to the Moon'. 

Children will need to arrive at school by 8:00am for our coach to set off at 8:15am. We will spend the first half of the day in the museum for our space exhibition and then also go to Liverpool Cathedral, to allow us to prepare for our Easter assembly (The Crucifixion) which takes place the following week in school.

 We will be setting off back to St Anne's at 2:30pm so we will be back at school between 4:00pm-4:45pm. We will be sending texts to parents, when travelling back, to alert them when we are on the M55. This is to allow parents enough time to come back to school to collect their child.

Children can choose to bring their own pack lunch or choose to have a school provided lunch. The children will not need to bring any money with them on the trip.

Payment will be £20, to cover the costs of the coach and the space exhibition. This can be paid in two installments of £10 or as one installment of £20. This is now available to pay on parent pay.

I require your permission to take your children beyond the local learning environment. Please complete the form below.