Year 3 Weekly Blog - "A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms."

We’ve had a great week this week! It’s amazing how much we actually do in one week in school! To mark mental health day on Tuesday, the children took part in a wonderful yoga session. This allowed the children space, time and a calm moment in the day. It was so lovely to see all our children learning more about their body and mind, and how to look after them.

We have also reached the final chapter of our class novel, Ice Cat. This novel has been great for creating discussion about managing feelings and gaining compassion for others. This week our English skill has been point and evidence. We listened to points that had been made from reading the story so far. We then needed to use the text to find evidence to back up each thought (point). We learnt that when doing this we must: quote directly from the text and use inverted commas around this. Well done Year 3, we had to show perseverance with this skill, but when peer marking you were able to show that you’d cracked it! Fantastic!

In Science this week we worked in small groups to imagine a world without electricity. The children had to compromise to rank in order the items they deemed to be the most important and which they felt were the least. It led for an interesting debate! Next week we will continue to explore electricity and circuits!

We have jumped form The Artic to the Stone Age with Mrs Hotchkiss. We have discovered a real settlement in Skara brae in the Orkney Islands. This settlement was buried in sand and when excavated it revealed so much about life 5000 years ago here in Scotland! We have also composed new lyrics for our song in Music - next week we will video a performance for you!


We also had 8 children who were able to receive their pen licenses this week, with a few very close to receiving theirs too. You are all focusing so hard on your handwriting, well done and keep going!

Firstly, well done to Gus! Gus you have worked extremely hard, both teachers agreed immediately that the certificate should be yours! You have been a Kuba Crab, focused, listening, determined and enthusiastic. Thank you too for counting all those housepoints with your friend.

Secondly, to Tilly. What a joy it is to teach you. You are always thinking hard; listening to the teacher and trying your very best. You are resilient - everyday. I can see how much you are learning and understanding because of this daily focused effort. Thank you!


Next Tuesday is our termly online safety day. These lessons are so important for the children. We are hosting a special session for parents too. Please read Mrs Gregan’s weekly newsletters for more information.

PE - Monday and Thursday

A reminders about homework. Your child should have a homework book - this is returned to school every Thursday. We have a record of the homework handed in. Please know that completing homework well with the support and encouragement of loving parents makes all the difference- it build confidence and self belief.

Next Friday is the final day before half term we finish at the normal school time.