Year 6 Weekly Blog 3.02.23 - 'For never was there a story of more woe, than this of Juliet and her Romeo.'

I don’t think anybody can say that the Year 6 classroom is not a varied one! From a STEM investigation on the adaptations and involving beaks in Science to tackling long division to designing our 3D model pendant in art, we have certainly had a full and diverse week of learning.


On Tuesday, we looked at and discussed, all the ways we can look after our emotional well-being and looked at some strategies we can use when we feel overwhelmed by certain emotions. We had a very special session in the hall, where we were taught many strategies and the children all participated beautifully sharing their ways and strategies. As part of this theme, throughout the week in our RHE lessons, we have also been discussing and learning about how we can manage some of the pressures we may feel as we grow up, especially those relating to our body image. We hope that through exploring these and other pressures that they may experience, children will develop ideas of how to build resilience through thankfulness. Today, we read a book about ‘tapping your way to a great big smile’ which focuses on a different strategy of tapping to relieve stress or as a way to manage feelings. All great tools to have under our belt as we progress to the end of the year!

Look at our work …

The children worked so hard on their Rosa Parks last week and as I took them home to mark, I could have burst with pride! Usually, I love to mark all over their work, highlighting the effective elements, celebrating their work and giving them areas of development. But this time, as I got my highlighters and green pen out, I found myself not wanting to mark their work it was so beautiful. So instead, I read thoroughly, and provided the children with whole class feedback. The children then took my comments and marked their own work, carefully pin pointing the criteria they included but also seeing the areas they needed to develop. The children loved doing this and it really gave them a sense of ownership of their progress. Here are our wonderful biographies …

Where has our learning taken us this week?

  • English - ‘Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo.’ Older literature is our focus now, in particular Romeo and Juliet. This week we looked at three different interpretations of this play and we have mapped out the whole plot, summarizing each main event. Next week, we will also be comparing the opening of the play via two films. One for 1968 and one from 1996. I will be using the 1996 film occasionally throughout the teaching sequence. This film is a certificate 12, but I can assure you that all of the content that the children will be shown will be suitable and appropriate. We will be recording the prologue next week for you to view, so watch this space!

  • Maths - This week we have finished off our conversion of measures with many challenging problems. Then towards the end of the week we have started DIVISION. One of the last arithmetic strands that we needed to cover was long division. After quite a few puzzled faces, the children have slowly and steadily been getting to grips with it. Slow and steady always win the race…as the hare and the tortoise found out!

  • Science - EVOLUTION AND INHERITANCE - We looked at adaptation and how animals and plants have been adapted to certain habitats.

  • RE- We have looked at the Last Supper and it’s significance to the mass and looked at what the Penitential Act is and why it is crucial to start with this as we prepare to take the sacred eucharist.

Leading Learners

Well done to Jack and Jess this week.

Jack you are such a reflective learner – you listen to the teaching and strive to achieve the learning objectives. It is always a pleasure picking up your book, as the work is always to the best of your ability and you listen to feedback so attentively, which is shown in your work. You know your strengths but also the areas you want to develop, which is a very mature skill to have and enables you learning to fly!

Jess- you are heaven on a plate and we LOVE teaching you! You are such a bundle of energy and enthusiasm, where every lesson you give your all! You hang on to every word and are such an active learner! Thank you!

Learned and Wise butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are learned in their actions, finding God in all things. Those who are wise, who use their learning for the common good. These children are the role models of the school, who drive their own learning and who have the wisdom to know when and how to apply one’s learning. This week we thank Arthur for working for the common good of our classroom this week.

Helpers in the morning

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Olivia Grace Arthur Jacob M


  • Water Parks Meeting on 16th March at 4pm in the school hall.

  • Next Tuesday 7th February is our Online Safety Day.

  • Parents’ evenings are being planned for after half term however, in the meantime, please visit Mrs Gregan’s blog to find out about an opportunity to come into school to see your child’s work. We cannot wait to share all of the wonderful things that they have produced. You will need to indicate that you are attending.

  • Please do continue to keep up to date with your child’s homework (particularly spelling). The vocabulary that the children are being asked to spell are getting more complex and they will need your support to figure out the best strategy to use. Learning them over time, rather than bulking them the night before, always seems like the best route to use.

Have a happy weekend.

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Nel, Miss Forster and Mrs Barker